My weekend
October 17, 2005

Ok so as you all know that are followers I was off Friday to go to the Dr. Apparently since my mom was a heroine addict and I was a meth baby for a few months it messed the chemicals in my head up. Long story short I am taking 3 different meds to even myself out. One med kept me up all night Friday. I felt like a crack head.
Angelina and I went to Friday dinner together, just me and her. Then we went home and watched the Charlie brown Pumpkin thing. Then she went to bed. Steven went to bed earlier because he had to do community service Sat morning at 7am. So Ana wanted to go and check on him, get some water, go to the bathroom..any excuse not to go to bed. She finally fell asleep at 10pm. She only wokr up two times and slept from 1am-7am by herself in her bed. This is a huge step for her. Especially at my house! I was so proud of her. I finally fell asleep at like 4am and then Steven's alarm went off at 5am and I woke up. I fell back asleep when he left and then Ana crawled into my bed and told me it was breakfast time at 7am. I let her watch cartoons for 30 minutes while I woke up.
So then we finally got out of bed, ate breakfast and I cleaned up a little before my girl Carrie and Catie came. So they got there and we went to the pumpkin patch. Both girls were good and cute. I will be posting pics on the next post. Ana picked her own 5 pound pumpkin out by herself. It was fun. Then the girls fell asleep in the car. They were so cute. We went to Ana's nanny's house and Catie and Ana played outside together. I am glad Ana is getting used to Catie and trying to be a big "sister" but she's not used to playing with babies. She is usually the baby in the group of her freinds. But she was gentle and was nice. Then Carrie stayed at my house till 7pm. I didn't have much food so I made us sandwiches. Steven sat on the couch and was nice to carrie and played with Catie a little bit. I was surprised he stayed downstairs the whole time. When Carrie left I mentioned that I was glad he stayed downstairs and he said no problem. He also said that Carrie seemed cool and that, and I quote, "at least she's not fat like the rest of your friends". So carrie- he thinks you are skinny. She is skinny. Super skinny!
So after they left I fell asleep on the couch and Steven went and got Lords of Dogtown from Blockbuster. His phone was ringing off the hook with his boys calling but he decided he wanted to stay home with me and watch a movie. It was a great night. We both just layed there and watched the movie, which I didn't like because Heath Ledger was a drunk and he talked funny. So then we went to bed. It was like 2:30 am and we were both tired.
So Sunday we woke up, well I woke up early. I sat downstairs and watched TV and then cleaned the kitchen. Steven woke up like at 11am and we watched Alexander. Ok that movie SUCKS. Don't rent it. We turned it off half way through. So we watched the Redskins game, which they lost. So now they are 3-2. Steven gave me his card and made me go to the grocery store. I got groceries and brought them home and he unloaded them for me. Then his friend Carlos came over and then I went to work. It was mad busy last night. I made $50. I had a party of 11 last night thathalf of them were over 250 pounds. How do you get that big. they left me a shitty tip. Bastards. They took up 3 tables. So I got home at 11:30 last night because me and Brit were the only ones working. I forgot to call S at 10pm to let him know I was still busy and he called my work at 11pm and when I got on the phone he said he was worried to see if I was ok because usually I call. But when I got home he was half asleep. I ate a pecan swirl thing and drank a cup of juice and took a shower and went to bed.
So this morning, I am awoken by Steven kissing on my back and my neck, which are my spots and we had nice morning sex.
I'm leaving work at 12:30 today because I have the washer people coming from 1-5. So I'm going to get off here and read my girls diary and see how she is this morning. And I promise to post the pics soon!
