My rant
October 18, 2005

So today is Tuesday. I didn't get home last night till 10:45pm from work. I busted my ass and made $28 because the owner thinks having 3 people on a Monday is a good idea. It's not. We were dead.
But apparently this cook Tom, who is a cutie and is 27, has the hots for me. The other cook, which I call Jay Z because he is forever rapping in the back, told me. And then Tom came in on his day off and I asked him to get me some candy and he came back with my favorite, Starburst. He and I are both involved in relationships, but it's still fun to flirt. He is so cute as well and tall. It gives me a reason to go to work!
And last night after no avail Steven pissed me off. I think I already said this before but everytime we have sex the next day we argue for some reason. So when I get home and I'm really tired I got into the kitchen for a bottle of water and there is shit all in the sink, on the stove and on the counter. Nothing is cleaned up. And guess where he is? On the couch watching Monday night football. So I asked him what happened to my clean kitchen? And he does his little laugh. So I tell him he needs to take out the trash which is now overflowing. he said ok. Did he move? NO. So I sit down and eat something. After I eat I sit back down because I am really tired. He comes over to me and asks me to give him some "special attention". This is after I am bitching how my feet, back and body hurts from being so tired and working. I say no because I'm tired. So he gets all pissy and says you never give me any "special attention" anymore since you started working. And he goes upstairs. So I go into the kitchen and clean up his mess because I can't stand dirtyness in the kitchen. So I move the trash bags right in front of the door so he would trip over them when he leaves in the morning.
So I get showered and go lay in bed. It's now around 11:30pm and he's still pressing me to give him "special attention" So I say fine but I'm not doing it for very long. So I did that for about 10 minutes and then he decides he wants to have sex and I tell him I'm going to lay there and he can do whatever he wanted. So the sex last night was amazing and fun and I didn't have to do much work.
So I finally go to sleep and this morning I wake up late and I am rushing. he then is asking me where his uniform is and where his undershirts are because I'm the one who does the laundry. Well I didn't wash any of his shit lately because I did about 6 loads of laundry this weekend. But his clothes weren't in that. If the clothes are on the floor, they are not getting washed. I tell him I don't have time to look for HIS clothes for him and I leave. he muttered something under his breath and I didn't hear it, plus I don't care.
So now here I am at work waiting for it to be 5.
Oh and the washer guy said that the ER lock never works on our washer and he will order a new handle. No talk about paying for anything. Good. So he took the plstic part off and just said to continue to pop the lock with the screwdriver.
So I'm done now bitching about my useless boyfriend. I am now going to read my people's journals and calm down.

Am I being unreasonable? I need opinions!
