October 26, 2005

Well yesterday before I left work, well about an hour before I was off I realized the presentation/newsletter in which I had been working all all day was GONE. No where to be found. I kept saving it while I was working on it, but it went poof! So I was really mad. The computer lady tried to find it and my girl Carrie was trying to tell me where to look. But it sadly is GONE. So I will be working on that all day. I also have a WHOLE handbook to retype. Plus evals and more evals! When it rains it pours!
I haven't heard from the ex regarding if he got the house or not. I figure if I run into him, I will be civil and keep walking. have no intention on becoming friends with this "psycho".
I worked last night and the cutie tom came up. it was his day off. He followed me around like a lost dog. He's cute but I need some air! He also asked me to go out sometime. We both have significant others. I told him it would be nice to hang out sometime but not sure when since I am busy as hell. I love S and I would never do anything to break us up. But going to do something I want to do for a change may not be too bad. I really want to see Elizabethtown and since I have kicked out all the girls in my life, except Carrie, I can't get anyone to see it. Maybe I will see if Tom wants to go.
Well I don't have much to say today. Just stressed with all the work I have. I am leaving at 4 to take the baby to cheer. Sperm boy is suppose to pick her up from me today, we will see.
