I'm still ALIVE
December 12, 2005

Ok people, I am ALIVE! I made it!
I did a 10K marathon, which is equivalent to 6 miles, in ONE HOUR AND 20 MINUTES! I ran non-stop. I had my earphones in and I ran at my pace and listened to my mix CD. At the finish line I ran as fast as I could over it and barfed a little water up and then ate 3 cookies, a bagel and drank 3 things of water.
Unfornately, my lower body is in excruciating pain and yesterday I couldn't hardly move. And I had a runny nose all the rest of the day. It was freezing cold running at 8am. At the end I was burning up and wanted to take my clothes off, but I restrained. I was a little delirious. My ex-mother in law was 10 minutes ahead of me crossing the finish line and she kept saying how proud of me she was. It was nice.

The baby and I saw Narnia Saturday. I loved it and can't wait for the DVD to come out. I will definitly buy it. Cute movie.

We also did the tree on Friday but I forgot the camera so I can't post the pics of the messy baby with paint everywhere in the kitchen. But the tree is up and decorated and it looks nice. S and I watched Devil's Rejects on Friday night. What a sick and twisted movie.

Nothing else happened of any importance this weekend. My Giants won in OT and my Skins won as well.

Only 12 days till Christmas Eve. I told S XMas Eve was family time and he was going to be home that night and he he said he was going to midnight mass and I said, "fine, we all are going with you" and he said that I couldn't go because I was a girl and this was mens only midnight mass. So I told him I knew about the game but he watch it at our house on the big screen. He kept giggling.

Still have not spoke to Sperm boy. Very Happy with myself.

Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone's weekend was pleasant! Gotta go and read my buddy list's DL entries and catch up on them.
