Merry Xmas and my 2 day weekend!
December 27, 2005

Well I'm back from my short xmas break...3 day weekend. Always nice to have.
Friday I got out of work early and went home and took a nap before I went and picked up the baby to go and eat dinner with S's mom.
S got home before 7pm which was nice since it was the last day of his peak season and he showered and we headed over to his moms hotel for xmas exchange and food. S was in a terrible mood till he saw his little brother, who is a marine. They were horsing around and of course the baby got involved and it was cute. I of course forgot my camera, but S's mom had hers so I am sure she will send me copies. I met S's older brother, "the actor"'s new girlfriend. She is a sweetheart. She is a 4th grade teacher. I hope it lasts but I doubt it will. I'm sure the actor will screw it up or his new sweetie will get sick of carrying him financially. But the baby liked her right away. She won't go to strangers unless she feels they are safe. She's a good judge of character. I base my picking of men by her gage. It has worked for the most part.
So of course S and his brothers drank some captain morgans and their mom made them stand all together for like a million pictures. Of course the baby had to be in them. And she took a pic of me and S with the baby. That one turned out awesome. I hope she sends me that one and I will make doubles and make it our next year xmas card. And if S and I aren't together, I'll use photo shop and put in Johnny Depp's face.
Then we left and the baby realized we had forgotten her monkey. This monkey is like Linus' blanket in Charlie brown. So of course we had to go back to her Nana's house and get the monkey and she decided she wanted to stay with them. I said that's fine since I had cleaninng and organizing to do and I wanted to get some rest because of saturday. So I went home.
Well I seduced my man. I have this little lingerie bottom and top. It's a black lace top and black lace boy shorts. Well I was wearing them under my clothes so I went into the bathroom and took my shirt and my black pants off and kept the lace and my knee high boots on. I went out and walked right in front of him and he got this huge grin on his face. I was just so horny I couldn't take it. So for the next 4 hours we were busy with teasing eachother, having sweaty sex, talking dirty and oral..FOR BOTH OF US. I was amazed. He is great at it. Really good...ok enough nasty stuff..this is about my xmas.
So finally we went to sleep after showering. We needed it. I need to go back to fredericks of hollywood and buy more stuff. And we fell asleep in each others arms. I started crying and he asked me why I was crying and I told him I missed feeling him against me and feeling his arms around me before we slept. He giggled and passed out. I enjoy it when he gets a little buzzed because he lets his guard down and is more kinky and interesting when buzzed.
So Saturday I woke up and re-showered to wake up and went over to the baby's nana's house. We celebrated her papa's bday and watched the SKINS BEAT THE GIANTS! Great game. Sorry the goodbiboy! Her Papa got mad because he had bet money on the giants winning.
So the baby and I left and went and bought a box of brownie mix and went home. This time with monkey.
She and I played and she jumped all over S and she made him play her vsmile video games and we ate leftovers from her nana's house. We made the brownies and out out the milk and the carrots. She hadn't taken a nap so at about 7:45pm, after S and I tried keeping her up till at least 8:30, she passed out on the couch. So I carried her to bed and she didn't even stir.
S and I watched 4 Brothers. I love that movie. I just love Marky Mark. When that was over we had a little xmas eve fun by the tree and cleaned up and ate the baby's stuff for Santa and put out the presents. S was amazed at how much stuff the baby had. And of course he tried to open his presents. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went to bed. The baby slept through the whole night in her bed. I kept checking on her and didn't sleep well. She came in around 5:30am and jumped in bed and laid between S and I till 7am. Then we all jumped around and tried to wake up and went downstairs. She of course was so excited about Santa coming and her presents. So she and S opened presents and she had a nice time. I sat back and took pics and just smiled at the sight of wrapping paper and smiles on both my two favorite people's faces. It was nice. I got a little teary. Then S gave me my ring. I had already peaked at it and I knew what it looked like and I wasn't too excited till I opened the box and realized it was not the ring I had seen in the closet. This ring is beautiful. It has a nice size sapphire in the middle and 3 diamonds on each side. I took a pic and we will see how it turns out. It will be in my next entry. So of course I was so happy I got all teary and S once again laughed at me. This whole holiday weekend I was emotional.
So I cleaned up the wrapping paper and made breakfast and we all ate and the baby played with all her new crap. She and I showered and went and saw Narnia again. We were both wearing our new Yale hoodies, courtesy of my little bro. I love this sweatshirt. I already have one but it's ratty looking so I asked my mom to get me a new one. So we went to the movies. S didn't go even though the baby was practically begging him. he said he had the shits and he kept going into the bathroom. So after the movie we went to her nana's house. On the way there she fell asleep.
We got to her Nana's and she opened her presents from them. She got a card with 30 $1 bills and said she was going to do this with it. This is verbatum:
"With this $30 I can go and buy all the Happy Meals I wanted and get all the narnia figurines"
"I can go on vacation and bring all my friends"
"With this money I can buy a new computer for mommy"
"I can go and buy all the candy in the world and crash from a sugar high, right mommy?"

And the best for last:
"With this monies I can pay people off like T Soprano, right Papa?"
Her papa lets her watch the Sopranos and plus he looks like tony.

So I had to leave to go to work. Yep Xmas night I spent more than 4 hours with people I am not big fans of, but made $56. I was pretty mad in the beginning and couldn't stop crying. Until I figured out we were going to be slammed and I could make some money. So I worked my ass off and my manager said that a mother I work with, her daughter was hit by a bus on thursday morning and is in critical condition. I no longer felt bad for myself having to spend xmas night at work. I was thankful I got to spend xmas with my healthy little baby.
So i went home and showered and took the ornaments and lights off and sat down and S came home from his friends house. We flipped through the channels and I went to bed.
Yesterday I woke up late and went and got the baby. We went and had lunch with S and his mom. The baby was good and ate her whole meal. Then we exchanged hugs with her since she leaves wednesday and we went home. S went and played poker online and me and the baby played with her new American Idol doll and her new Bratz doll, both courtesy of S's mom. both dolls look STRANGE. Then we read two books and she fell asleep on me. I was holding her and started thinking of Terra and her daughter and I got all emotional and held my baby tighter and fell asleep. We were passed for like 2 hours on the couch. S must of come down becuase the lights were off.
So she wanted to go to her nana's to see her friend so I took her back and went and saw a friend of mine to say merry xmas and chat with him for a few minutes. Then I went home and S's work friends came over so I took all the trash out from xmas and put the babies stuff up in her room. It took 3 trips. S had decided to turn the self cleaner on in the oven and the house got really smoky. So i turned it off.
While his friends were over I went upstairs and finally did it. I joined myspace like everyone else. I found my girl Carrie's page. I worked on mine for awhile and Immed by friend mark to see how his xmas was. Found out his wife is preggers with kid #2. Congrats to them. I don't have the info for my page to post here. And I can't log in at work because we have a gay filter.
So after his friends left we watched A Walk to Remember and some of the Jets game. And we went to bed. I had a restless night. S was snoring and sleeping on my right arm which still gives me problems from an old rotator cuff injury.
I am now here at work about to upload the xmas pics.
Hope everyone had a great XMAS and no tradgedies happened. Keep Terra and her family in your thoughts and prayers (if you pray) during this horrible time. I will update once I find out more.
Happy new Year to all who are off this week being SLACKERS....I HATE YOU! Just playing. In June I will be gone for a week in Mexico with S!
