January 18, 2006

So this morning I turn the defroster on and this RANK smell comes through. I realize that the vent outside is where the egg residue is. So i turn the defrost off and open my window. I have very sensetive smell and I can't take strong smells, like RANK smells or people with BO or nasty ass breath!

So now my truck smells funny. I must pick up Febreeze at lunch time. I wish I had seen who threw the freaking egg.

Sperm Boy and I spoke on yahoo messenger yesterday. He is dating a MP in the Airforce named Cathy. They use to work together and she currently is stationed in Montana but she comes home every other weekend and he is planning on going every month that she isn't here. he's going on the 30th out there for a week. If he gets the job in Seattle it's only a few hour drive. he also told me he got some new tattoos. Interested in seeing them since he already has 8. I am so intrigued with guys with interesting and unique tattoos. I don't like the arm band ones that everyone and their brother has. S's little brother has some really cool ones and I met a guy at an Oriole game with a tribute to 9/11 on his whole back. I took pics of that but don't know where they are.

Speaking of tattoos, GUYS and GALS, do you like your partners tattoos, if they have any? Or do you hate tats and wish they didn't have them and don't really want them to get another one? S doesn't have any but he would look hot with one and he hates that I have 2. They are not in obvious places where anyone could just see. One is on my inside of my ankle and the other on my lower back. Both are different and unique and I love them and I want another, but he is so against it.
I want to get a small fairy above the butterfly on my back and have my daughters name above it. I may do it on my lowest part of my neck where the shirt would cover it. I don't think it's professional to have tats on your neck for all to see. or all down your amrs like some guys do. That is what Sperm Boy has, but they are on his inner arm part but he can't wear short sleeves to an interview. No one would hire him. He looks like a convict.

I worked last night with smelly manager. She got on my nerves but my gay friend Chris came up as well as the cool manager Stan. they had been at the local bar by my house. Chris has been promoted to manager and he was having a fit about the schedule and loosing people and about to have a nervous breakdown. I love my gay friend. Plus he was looking ph so cute in his little polo shirt with black pants. I hope he takes smelly's place. Smelly is making everyone on my shift want to take off. My girl bern said she isn't going to work tuesdays anymore, which would suck. I begged her not to do it because then I have no one to protect me from the stank! plus school starts on Feb. 5th and I don't need drama and stress.

I am looking forward to starting school again. I am excited. As long as I keep focused and set goals with each assignment, then I should do well. Plus I have my girl to support me and S as well. It always helps to have someone on your side, unlike my parents and the Nana, who pretends to be on your side and really isn't.

Well I'm rambling and I don't have much to say other than non-interesting stuff and I'm boring I know. I will try to think up something interesting to write about. Maybe the septic system will burst again and I get to leave...not much luck in that though.

Happy Wednesday..get some humping done!
