update on S's brother and my genius kid
February 16, 2006

OK our internet is up momentarilly at work so I'll post quickly.

S's brother was released from the hospital. He will be fine, except he won't be able to pursue his career in "acting" due to his face looks pretty bad and the scar may be bad. But he's ok and seems in good spirits. his girlfriend was upset and shaky tuesday. Poor girl.

S's younger brother, who is a marine, will be deployed soon...AGAIN for the 3rd or 4th time. So keep him in your thoughts and prayers..if you pray. It's really hard for his mom when he is deployed. Plus she's in TX away from the rest of us. But the marine corp captain sent her two letters stating that LJ was very well trained and they promise to keep him safe. The captain is aware of their father passing right before he went to Iraq the first time. He keeps in close contact with S's mom. That seems nice of the guy.

Nothing else to report. The baby had a conference yesterday evening and I went to that. Her teacher said she wants to bump her into the first grade and skip kindergarten because of how advanced she is. Apparently the teacher said she's ahead of all her classmates in learning to write her letters and is very interested in learning to read. I told her I think it would be best to let her start full kindergarten classes now instead of the fall. The teacher and the head mistress agreed so today she will be in full time kindergarten, instead of only taking half day classes and then back in her pre-k classes like she has been doing. The baby says she doesn't want to go to kindergarten because her boyfriend Pierce isn't in there and she only gets to spend a half day with him. And in the fall they will put her into half day 1st grade classes and other half kindergarten. She has decided to cut her name to Ana from Angelina.That's her nickname anyways. She said it's easier to spell. And then the baby told me she is changing her last name from her 13 letter last name to SL. I told her she couldn't do that and she pretty much told me she was going to whether I liked it or not. Silly child.

Tonight i have an interview at this local restaurant for a PT job and tomorrow morning I have a typing test for the 2 positions I put in at the hospital by my house. I hopefully get one of the hospital PT jobs I applied for becuase I don't want to waitress, but I am in desperate need of money. I had S buy me some stuff from the store that I needed becuase I'm broke right now and he filled my gas tank up. That was nice.

But that's it. it's wonderful outside. I have to leave at 11:30 to go to the dentist to have him look in the back of my mouth. I think I have a wisdom tooth coming in. I hope it's not because my March schedule between work and eprsonal stuff, I have no time to be unable to talk or function for a few days. If I have to have it done then I will option for feb. 27th. That week is ok for me. I just hope my mouth isn't as bad as when I had 2 wisdom teeth cut out and 2 molars. I was all swollen like a chipmunk for like 2 weeks. Not attractive.

Happy thursday to all!
