short update
March 21, 2006

Ok I have a few minutes....
This weekend was nice. S's mom came into town and Sunday night took me out for dinner, which was nice since I had been working on the house all day trying to get it cleaned. I swear Sperm Boy must never of cleaned in the 4 years since I left. It was filthy. But we got to talk and spend time together and he is really happy with his GF, which is good. All I want is him to be happy and leave the baby alone if he doesn't want to be a full time father. He has an interview on Friday in Montana so we will see.

Settlement went fine. Didn't get as much money as I was hoping, but enough to pay off some debt. So that will clear the credit up a little. And I paid some other bills and got something else...not going to talk about it till I have it in my possession...

And today I'm busy as hell at work. I decided today, after waking up to a pillow full of hair that had fallen out, that I can't work PT and do everything else. So I called the manager at lunch and told him that I'm mega stressed and need to cut the PT out and he was fine and said when I'm better to call him and start again. That's a boost. I hate burning bridges at jobs, so in case I need it I can always go back. Plus I'm looking at a cost of living increase in July plus my raise from my eval. So we will see. Plus I need to work on my homework. I made the dean's list and I want to continue to make it each month so I can have a nice looking transcript so when I go to apply for the job I want and show them, it will look like I work hard, because in all honesty I do work really hard on my school work and regular work. Since I am on my meds it's easier to get my thoughts in order.

But I gotta get off here in case I have to leave early. Happy tuesday!
