
Ok so I ate lunch and I calmed down a little. I got a call from social services saying I can come October 14th for an interview..maybe we will be getting some assistance
And before anyone makes comments on assistance, I don't make that much at my job or my 2nd job and I want my daughter back. I pay taxes and I need the assistance and am not going to abuse it by quitting my job, having eight kids and sleep all day. I have been struggling long enough and they finally are taking me seriously over there so I'm going.
Ok that's off my chest. I think I have a UTI because my back is hurting by my kidneys. I hate these infections. I don't drink enough water. That's my fault. I drink green tea everyday but I think that doesn't help because of the caffeine.
In lighter news we are going to try to have Ana sleep in her own bed this weekend while Steven and I have her. We will see how that goes. I just want to take my daughter tonight, eat dinner and then watch a movie and go to bed. I just love sitting with her and watching a movie and cuddling. I miss her so much it pains me
