106 things about me
October 10, 2005

I stole this off someone else's page. I am really bored as you can tell from me posting so much today. it's just no one is here to annoy!

106 things about me
1. My birthday is 11/21/1980
2. I'm a scorpio
3. I'm adopted
4. My birth mother was white/black.
5. My birthfather was 100% Puerto Rican
6. My birthmother was a heroin user
7. I was born small
8. I was in the hospital till February of 1981
9. I was in the same hospital john Lennon was brought into when he was shot
10. I was named after Lauren Bacall
11. My middle name is Marie
12. My mother gave me that middle name because I was born on the Ascencion of Mary
13. My mom is very Catholic
14. I use to go to church every Sunday when I was younger
15. I don't go anymore
16. My father only goes because he is made to.
17. My father and I don't really talk
18. that's because I got preggers when I was 18 by my boyfriend
19. He broke up with me
20. I graduated from HS two months pregnant
21. I was kicked out of my house
22. I lived in a mternity home till December 2, 1999
23. I gave the baby up for adoption.
24. It was a girl. I named her Noel Mari
25. her name was changed to Kaylee Marie
26. Her parents are great
27. I went to college for 2 months
28. I dropped out and moved to MD
29. I lived with B and we got pregnant
30. We got married August 12, 2000
31. We had the baby January 16, 2001
32. We seperated June of 2002
33. I left him
34. I toke the baby with me
35. I dated a guy named Mike
36. He made lots of money and supported us well.
37. He had ugly hair
38. but a fine body
39. He pushed me down some stairs
40. I left him
41. I moved into B's aunt's house
42. the baby moved into B's moms house
43. I met S on May 9, 2004
44. We slept together on the first date...(never did that before)
45. I fell in love with him 3 days later
46. We broke up in November of 2004.
47. I dated a navy seal
48. his name was moses.
49. We slept together christmas eve
50. I broke up with him christmas morning.
51. I went over to S's house that day
52. We got back together the next day
53. I worked in an OBGYN office
54. It was gross
55. I quit because one of the Dr's was mean
56. I moved in with S March of 2005.
57. We lived with his mother
58. She is so sweet
59. She sold the house and moved in Sept. of 2005.
60. S and I moved in to a townhouse in Sept. of 2005
61. We christened the whole house..I mean whole house!
62. I am an addict
63. A sex addict
64. I should see a counselor.
65. I've slept with 7 people.
66. All of them were memorable. None were one night stands.
67. I don't like giving BJ's, but I have been complimented on my skills
68. That was nasty I know
69. My favorite number
70. ok I am sick
71. I smoke cigarettes
72. My mom hates that
73. i don't care what she thinks
74. I work for the UMD
75. I love my job there
76. One day I hope to be the office manager
77. I have good management skills
78. I am bossy
79. But I'm also nice
80. Sometimes I am too nice
81. I get walked on constantly
82. I have low self esteem
83. because of my mother
84. Not a big fan of hers
85. I modeled in HS for Barbizon.
86. I was offered a contract with Seventeen
87. they rejected me because of my hispanic hips.
88. I weighed 95 pounds.
89. I smoked weed
90. It was fun
91. I no longer do that
92. I drink girly drinks
93. I don't drink alot or often
94. I weigh 125
95. I'm 5 feet tall
96. I have large breasts
97. i have always had large breasts
98. All the boys loved me
99. I get hit on when i go out
100. I have made out with a few girls 101. I think girls are hot 102. I think I'm bisexual 103. I love my boyfriend but also want a girlfriend. 104. I'm afraid my boyfriend will leave me if I tell him that. 105. i keep things locked away in fears of making people mad 106. I have issues
