nosy ass people and ramblings
October 11, 2005

I did go ahead and get a gold membership just to see how I like it. I didn't pay for the year. I paid for three months. I will see how I like it every 3 months. I will evaluate myself in 3 months and see if I still enjoy this site. I have a feeling I will.
On a different note, this lady who works with me was standing behind me while I was reading a journal of my friends. I didn't know she was there. She was like a Ninja. She was using the little printer behind me. I hate nosey ass people. I know she was reading it because when I realized she was there I went to my desktop and she commented on my baby's picture. I should stab her. I hate nosy people. If I want to share something with you, I will. Don't annoy me about something, unless you are my best friend. Other than my girl, no one is allowed to dig deep into my life and make me talk about shit I don't want to...ok I'm rambling. Guess I am getting nervous about friday and seeing the head doctor to get back on my ADHD medicine. Maybe it will make me loose weight like it did before. I'm pretty happy with my body right now. I have an ass. I have a nice size chest..would like a breast lift though. Maybe I will save all my money for that..NOT LIKELY. My legs are getting toner and my stomach looks ok. Not flat as when I was 18 but it's getting there. I think I look pretty good for someone who has popped two kids out in the past 6 years and was pumped with steroids each pregnancy. My Dr. said that is why I can't drop the weight because I was given so much steroids in both pregnancies. I'm not fat, just have a little meat on the bones. I get hit on and my man is always grabbing my ass, so I guess my body is ok.
Ok I am so rambling now so I must get off here. I'm just so bored at work.
