I need to stop stealing..but it's so fun!
October 12, 2005

1. What time is it? 2:00 p.m.

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Lauren-Marie

3. Nickname: Lil L, LaLa, Lil Thug, buns

4. Parents' names: The Tin Man and the Wicked witch of the West

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 24

6. Date that you regularly blow them out: November 21

7. Hair color: Dark brown

8. Tattoos: a tribal one on my ankle and a butterfly on my lower back

10. Favorite color: black

11. Town you grew up in: moved alot

12. Current residence: Maryland

13. Favorite food: tacos

14. Been to Africa? yes one time

15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? All the time

16. Been in a car accident? Yes

17. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits

18. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

19. Favorite time of day: 9pm

20. Favorite holiday: thanksgiving

21. Favorite day of the week: friday

22. Favorite smell: tommy girl
23. Favorite flowers: sunflowers

24. Favorite beverage: arizona green tea
25. Favorite sport to watch: tennis
26. Preferred type of ice cream: vanilla

27. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Zero

28. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? carebare

29. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? Anything on Rodeo Drive

30. What do you do most often when you are bored? sleep and smoke

31. Name the person you are friends with that lives the farthest away: Dickerson

32. Most annoying thing people ask or tell me: my age

33. Bedtime: whenever I pass out

36. Favorite vegetable? lettuce

37. Last person you went out to dinner with: Ana

38. Last magazine you read: Cosmo

39. Time when you finished: 2:07 pm

10 Years Ago, I...

1. was in highschool

2. i was living in richmond and had a lot of friends
3. was driven to school by my dad because Igot into a fight on the bus

4. played tennis

5. started smoking

5 Years Ago, I...

1. i had a baby

2. was married

3. drove a pontiac sunfire

4. lived in frederick

5. was 20 pounds overwight

2 Years Ago, I...

1. was working somewhere, don't remember
2. seperated

3. met S

4. taking night classes

5. living with B's aunt

1 Year Ago, I...

1. dating S

2. bought my jeep

3. broke up with S and dated Moses

4. missed S terribly
5. got back with S

Yesterday, I...

1. worked

2. played on my DL account
3. made dinner

4. colored my hair

5. broke my washer

Today, I...

1. worked
2. took a long lunch and discussed homosexuals with the lunch crew

3. tried to make my friend feel better

4. fell asleep at my desk

5. plan on taking my daughter to cheer

Tomorrow, I...

1. work both jobs

2. will sleep for 15 minutes at my desk

3. not eat lunch with the lunch crew

4. maybe have sex with S

5. hopefully make my friend laugh

5 Snacks I Enjoy:

1. oreos

2. French fries

3. carrots

4. cereal

5. egg rolls

Five Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music:

1. Don't take the girl by Tim McGraw

2. Here by me by 3DD

Five Things I Would Buy With $1000:

1. a ticket to Cabo San lucas for me and my daughter

2. make reservations at a nice hotel in Cabo for me and Ana

3. buy new clothes for Cabo

4. buy Ana stuff
5. After our trip I would be broke!

My Top Five Guilty Pleasures:

1. Cosmo magazine

2. Wasting time online

3. vodka and cranberry

4. cigarettes

5. making excuses not to work

Top Five Locations I'd Like to Run Away To:

1. Cabo San Lucas

2. Puerto Rico

3. Italy

4. the carribean

5. texas to see S's mom

Five Bad Habits I Have:

1. smoking

2. stubborness

3. crying

4. my temper

5. S

Five Places I've Lived:

1. Conneticut

2. Florida

3. NY

4. Virginia

5. NC

My Five Biggest Worries At the Moment:

1. my daughter

2. my finances

3. relationship with S

4. my best friend

5. loosing my job

My Five Biggest Joys at the Moment:

1. my daughter

2. my first job

3. S

4. watching TV

5. leaving work soon

Five People Who Make You Smile:

1. my daughter

2. S

3. Carebare

4. J

5. my self

Another survey I stole...
