November 04, 2005

Last night I took off from the hell hole job. And I stayed at home and relaxed. I made dinner again for S. He came home in a foul mood. I told him to relax or I wasn't going to make him dinner and he seemed to chill out. Apparently his friend told him there was a key waiting for him at his house and to go in and pick up something. So he drove in rush hour traffic and they key wasn't there and either was his friend. So he was kind of mad.
The baby has cheer today. Then we will do Friday night dinner and then tomorrow we will go and see chicken little.
So this morning while I was showering I asked S why he has only gone down "south" on me once or twice in the 2 years we have been together. He said he's done it more than twice, like 3 times. And that was it. Then he asks why I brought it up and I tell him that I like it. And he says nothing and goes to work. Men are so annoying. I just have never been with a guy that hasn't gone down "south" on me. My ex did it all the time and sperm boy as well. Without me having to tell them I like it.
So I'm once again all hot and bothered and the baby will be with us tonight so no monkey loving because she doesn't stay asleep long enough to have a sack session. It would totally ruin the mood if she's calling for me from her room while me and S are going at it. So maybe Sat. night. I initiated it the other night. It seems I am more interested in having an intimate relationship with him more than he is. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around?
Well readers, have a wonderful Friday. I'm outta here at 1:00 today because I haven't slept all week and I'm tired. Plus our internet is up at home now so I can go shopping.
