November 23, 2005

I worked last night. I hate Kids Night. It was slow so I got home before 10. I also left a note for creepy manager that I am off on thursdays as we had discussed last week and that includes tomorrow. I also wrote in there I will be in on Sunday evening for work, but I'm leaving tomorrow for NC till Saturday. I can't wait for Saturday to come! Can you tell I'm not thrilled about this holiday?

Last night I did some laundry and cleaned up a little. S went to bed and I wrote in my journal about some things my boss and I discussed yesterday about S and what I want from it and what he wants..we were at lunch for 2 hours! So S comes down and says he can't sleep and then he asks if he can read my diary. I said no because it's personal and it's my deep thoughts and he states that he would probably get mad about the stuff in there and I told him it's all honest thoughts about everything. There are more entries about how I feel for him and how he makes me mad sometimes, but then there are the entries about the baby and her life. It's not just about him. I explained to him that he could read it but we would have to talk about how he was feeling about the entries, and he decided to try to go back to sleep upstairs. Then I hear him whining upstairs for me to come to bed. So I finished up my entry, smoked a cigarette, watched a little of GG that I had DVR'ed and went upstairs. He layed by me and was all wrapped around me and the snoring then began. Last night I just couldn't take it so I kicked him as hard as I could in his shin. And told him to sleep on the couch. So he rolls over and I go to sleep and about 3:30 he does it again. So I grab my blanket, and my pillows and i'm falling all over the bed because I am really tired and he grabs me back on the bed and says he will leave. He goes downstairs and I sleep till 7:30.
It's weird to not sleep with him but I told him last night we are about not to sleep in the same bed anymore because I need my rest.

I hope we have sex tonight because I won't be back till Saturday and it seems everytime I get my mensies, I so freaking horny. And it's really light so that is fine. He doesn't care at all, but I do.

Well I'm off tomorrow to grub some turkey, as well as Friday because I am special and I'll be back sat. I'm sure I will have a nice entry Monday about my "wonderful" trip to see my "lovely" family.

Happy Turkey Day!
