I'm a bitch
November 22, 2005

Well it's a day after my birthday and still no word from my mother. Do I care? NO. But i guess my mind cares because I didn't go to sleep last night till 3:30. And I slept on the couch. It's a nice comfy couch but I would of rather slept in my bed snuggled up with S, but he was snoring like a bear. That is what woke me up in the first place.
I got off work last night at 9. I made $23. Not too bad for 3 hours.
So I went home and showered and went to sleep at about 10:15. S came up at 11:30 and when he fell asleep the snoring came with it.

And our trailer trash neighbors for the SECOND night in a row were screaming and banging on shit and the walls are not soundproof. If they do it again tonight and keep me awake, I am calling the police. I can't stand their asses. And our foundation, who I have called 3 times, still has not come and put a sticker on their piece of shit truck that is taking up a perfectly nice parking space. It's broken down and hasn't moved.

My mensies started on Friday and stopped for some reason yesterday and then full blown came back last night with a vengeance. I hate being a female. So I'm tired and cranky with cramps. Plus it's raining and my hair is having issues. I hate my hair...I'm going to buy a shaver at lunch and shave it off.

And to make matters worse..I promise last thing with my bitchy attitude...I don't want to fly back to NC for Turkey Day and spend it with my family. Can't I just send the baby down there? But then I wouldn't have her on that holiday since I have to share Christmas Eve with Sperm Boy and his father's side of the family. Damnit!
