Update on Birthday
November 21, 2005

So this 25th birthday isn't that fun so far. S finally remembered it was my bday and called me. That was like at 11am.
No word from my mother. How wonderful!
I did receive Birthday wishes from my friends here at Dland and one from my cousin, which I didn't expect.
Of course I got to go to lunch with my boss and I got a card signed by everyone here in the office. So that was nice. They are a nice group of people.
I have to work tonight but I'm sure it's going to be slow since it's Monday and it's shitty. Hopefully I still have a job. Even if I don't I can find another one after Thanksgiving. I have finished S's xmas presents. I did my mom and dad, my daughter's Nana and Papa, my male boss and a coworker for Secret Santa. I need this PT job to spend the money for xmas. I still have 8 people on my list to give presents to. I also have done a few presents for my daughter. I'm not going overboard this year because her bday is in January.

Well I am going to go and do nothing for the next 30 minutes of work. I've also been on hold with my cell phone company for the past 45 minutes. I ordered covers for my sidekick II and they only sent 2 of the three I ordered. Fuckers!

Happy Birthday to me! I can't wait till tomorrow when this shitty day is over.
