sick and a little rant
December 01, 2005

I am dying a slow and painful death. I am still sick but have to be here at work due to I have 2 hours of sick leave left and I have the FINAL DAY of Elder Law and dealing with Amelia Badelia. Plus I have to run tonight to get ready for the 6mile marathon I'm running on December 11th. I'm pretty sure I have bronchitis, plus a nasty stomach virus and a UTI. It's pleasant. I look like a druggie. I take me regular meds, 4 pills for that, and then two other pills for the bronchial thing and the UTI. So six pills in the morning and then 6 pills at night. All with food, WHICH I CAN'T KEEP DOWN REALLY, so I might have to use a suppository to keep from barfing the bland food I have to eat to take ALL MY DRUGS!
Dear god, I feel like I'm 90 years old. I was actually comaparing my pill intake with my mother last night. She's almost 60! But the booster from that conversation is my parents are "forgiving" the $800 I still owe them for Xmas and my birthday since they forgot it anyways! So that's a booster!

Well tomorrow is my 1st daughter's birthday (I was 18 and placed her for adoption). She will be 6 years old. That labor started Thanksgiving night and ended on December 2nd. Horrible! Plus she was huge because her father was 6 foot 7. And I'm 5 foot even.

With my 2nd daughter (the one who lives with me), now she was ready. My water broke at like 8:30 pm on January 15th, (ironically in front of S and his friends) and she was delievered at 12:35am on the 16th. Granted there was a 45 minute drive to the hospital and Sperm Boy wouldn't punch it. I pushed like 3 times and she was out.

S and I are still sleeping seperately and he seems not to care but he still comes in everynight and says good night and kisses me, but the thing is I am getting the best sleep in my life right now. Non-interrupted sleep, except Tuesday night when I was up all night with the barfing, but other than that, I'm loving it.

Yesterday while I was sick at home, I layed around and I watched TV and I wrapped some presents and I put some lights up. I got half way through that because I am not tall enough to reach some points of the wall. So they were half way up. I also had to take the baby to practice.
Now I'm going to vent on this whole cheering practice shit. I'm sitting there minding my business and politely chatting with the two other mothers. Well one of the mothers is all into this. She has two kids with her husband now and she has been married 3 times. Her daughter is scrawny and not that cute. Now, I never think any one is more beautiful then my child, but I will admit when a kid is cute. Well she really isn't and her mother is a pig. She's very nice, but should work on her huge ass. She is like 40 or over. Her husband has 4 kids who live with them as well.
So we are sitting there and me and Christy, (who is like a year older than me and has the bad kid in the group and will be called C from now on) our daughters are acting up, of course, and laying on the ground because they are bored and tired. you can only do the same thing over and over again, so many damn times. Well my baby comes off the floor because she got rug burn on her knee. Now with my daughter she is a little over dramatic and always has been when she gets really hurt. Her knee was pretty scraped up and also was really red. And C's daughter came off the floor and layed on her. She was looking pale and tired. So fat ass (let's call her that) is telling her string bean daughter that she's doing great with the other girl left on the floor. There are 6 of them but 4 of them were off the floor. Leaving string bean and this little girl that looks like she's cracked out and doesn't remember any of the cheer. So those two are doing the cheer and fat ass keeps talking about how dedicated her daughter is to this and how she practices all the time and look how flexible her kid is. She's in 1st grade and my baby isn't even in kindergarten. And fat asses kid looks like she has no life except having her mother push her. When practice is over on Friday me and C high tail it outta there, but fat ass makes string bean watch the older girls.
And yesterday their coach was showing them about back handsprings, and she was like "string bean is ready for that". NO SHE ISN'T. String bean can't even do a proper forward roll.
Well back to yesterday practice (anyone following me?) fat ass is telling my baby and C's daughter that they have a competition on the 11th of December (which String Bean won't even be at because she is going to Disney) and they should practice and get it down really well so they win a trophy.
FIRST OFF...Don't tell my kid she needs to practice anything. C's daughter and my kid know the routine but are getting bored with it. I mean it's cute but it's not that interesting and both C's daughter and my baby are more into new things.
2ND: My kid is only in it to have fun and if they win, they win. If not, they still did their best and it was cute and the baby is done in the Spring and doesn't want to do it next year. Either does C's kid. but of course stringbean will be there with her fat ass mother. Also fat ass told us yesterday that she was looking on an official cheer page to see what is allowed in each level..give me a break! your kid is in 1st grade and if she gets your genes, then she will never be one in HS. Apparently fat ass has always been big boned.
The coach asked all 6 of the girls while all of them were on the floor if they wanted to do it again and the only person that replied was Fat Ass for her string bean daughter. The rest of the girls walked off the floor leaving Stringbean to do it solo. And fat ass was so excited! She kept stating once again how her daughter is so committed to this and kept saying how she is practicing all the time and loves her little solo. She walks in a straight line in one part that lasts 30 seconds, TOPS. My baby has a bigger solo, and I don't even care. Because my baby says she hates her part in it because she is the littlest one. She hates not being like the older girls. Also my baby and C's kid don't take it seriuosly because we are not like drill sargeants. If they act up in class we give them the "look" and say their name. They stop. Also their coach does it to. But their coach also will pick my baby up and hold her while the rest are practicing. She always holds her before practice. The baby loves her coach.

Ok gotta go and pee and drink some more hot tea and get ready to deal with old people all day!
Much love to my girl Carrie for the well wishes!
