my genius daughter
December 05, 2005

Oh I forgot to mention that the baby knows how to write her first word. She can write Papa.

I was kind of upset that it wasn't Mom and her Nana was upset as well because she didn't write Nana. I'm guessing her Papa got her to learn how to write it because he loves her to death and they are like Bonnie and Clyde together. Since Sperm boy is out of the picture, she has grown to except it and hang with her Papa and go on "dates" to Target and Friendly's. it's good for her. And of course when she is at home with me and S, she ignores me and they gang up on me and tickle me and put blankets over me.

She also took my Sam's list and traced over the letters. She did a great job.

Ok enough bragging about my kid.
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