December 07, 2005

Well I just spent all day spraying adhesive glue to jar tops and putting glitter on them. Then taking pictures of all my coworkers, one by one. Some were cooperative, some were not. Those who were not cooperative are not going to be included in the Christmas tree. It's a cute idea and it's nice and it's different than traditional ornaments. And it gave me something to do other than sitting at my desk thinking of things I can buy with the "oh so much money" I have. Hint the sarcastic tone.
Since I have been using spray glue, I'm a bit light headed, stuffed-up and high. Interesting rush. I think I'm coming down from it because I'm getting really sleepy. Need a fix..maybe some caffeine might help.
I'm waiting for the baby to get dropped off to go to cheer practice and then look at the dollar tree for things to decorate the tree with. I also gotta hint the bank and make a deposit so a check won't bounce. Fun times!
Tomorrow I get free lunch with one of my bosses and Amelia Badelia. The law series is finally over so we all get to go to a luncheon and get free food.
And then discuss next spring's series.
I also have to go to my 2nd job tomorrow and sit through a sexual harrassment meeting because one of the managers, Paul, grabbed a waitresses butt when she bent over.
But I gtg..baby is here
