oh yeah..little rant
December 08, 2005

Oh yeah, at the luncheon everyone on the comittee got a nice glass paperholder with their names on it. Did I get one? NO. This lady who didn't even show at any of the elder law stuff got one. I was the one who got crapped on by the elderly that were there and I also did all the registration and organized check in and everything. Screw this shit. I got nothing. It kind of hurts. I was a little teary when everyone got one except for me. But I think the teariness is because of the lack of sleep I have gotten. I think I should of gotten something!
I guess that's what happens when you are a 25 organized female who works her ass off but doesn't have a college degree and isn't worthy of being with the 40+ group. Even at lunch I didn't even get spoken to. At least my friend J was there with me and she talked to me.
But on the plus side I did get to go to the craft store behind the restaurant and I got all the baby's stocking stuffers. Each was a dollar. So she is done finally!
