not much snow...
December 09, 2005

Well it snowed but not enough to close our office down. Damnit! So I'm here and i'm guessing my girl called in and is off. And no one is here in the office. People live on little back roads so they weren't plowed out yet. So that leaves a handful of us in here today. Should be fun.
I went to McD's this morning and got a hot tea and guess what they forgot? The tea bag. good thing I'm a tea junkie and have extra tea bags at my work.
So I'm drinking my hot tea and sitting at my desk doing nothing.
I have nothing to bored.

Oh the sexual harassment meeting was pointless. We had to watch some gay ass videos. All they really should of said is "don't touch your co-workers on their ass". Apparently the manager "stepped down" to being just a server. He should just of been fired!
