the issues of past relationships
December 13, 2005

Ok so I was reading my past entries and realized how boring my life has become. So I decided to figure out why my past relationships didn't work out. So I have dissected each boyfriend I had (the ones that I can remember) and figured out the issues. these are from middle to highschool...

Matt C: he was a pathological liar and had some anger issues. We were on and off again all through middle and highschool. he was a good kisser and not pushy in the department of trying to get into my pants. We remain close friends.

Mike D: he was a baptist and hairy. Too hairy for a middle schooler. he was a horrible kisser and he was too pushy in the making out department. his father also was a funeral director which was creepy.

John P.: he was the first black guy I dated. he was like a big teddy bear. he was a good kisser as well. We never saw eachother out of school though because of our parents. That ended.

Jason K.: he was a pervert and I have no idea why I went with him. He was a horrible kisser and tried to rape me at my house. his breath always smelled funny. Yuck..

Bill F: he was a geek and had no idea on how to kiss anyone. We went out a few times to the movies but there was no spark. I think I did it mostly to get Matt C. jealous because they were friends. it worked.

Mike W.: he was a wanna be thug and that was my bad boy phase. He was an ok kisser. He felt me up in science class. We also slept together a few years ago and it wasn't that interesting. I think I passed out in the middle of it. We were drunk. We were friends but no longer because of his new insane girlfriend.

Daniel S.: he was also in my bad boy phase. he was a good kisser. My parents didn't like him either.

Shawn W.: he was a sweet heart but everyone thought he was going to be the next unibomber. We made out alot at his house and skipped school. He just recently got married.

Sean: I don't remember his last name. he tried to get into my pants one time and I didn't let him so he broke up with me. oh well, he was a bad kisser.

David R.: our families were friends and he was the same height as me. I remember he kissed me and I said eww out loud and we broke up. Our families are still friends but I haven't seen him in years.

Jamie: our families were friends and he was also in my bad boy phase. he went to boarding school so we didn't see eachother much. he was a good kisser and we almost did it, but his sister walked in on us. We eventually just drifted apart.

Sperm boy: he was my first true love, even though it was long distance. He would visit and we would make out, but we never slept together till 2000. We would talk all the time on the phone and he would send me presents and long letters. He was so different back then.

Brian W.: he was a hottie and a senior. he would let me wear his jacket and he was an amazing kisser. We had this secret way of holding hands and just laying together playing with each others hands and staring at each other. He had his best friend break it off for him. I was mad. I saw him a few months ago and we had a nice time talking and making out and spent the night together. We didn't sleep together but I felt his weiner against my leg and it didn't feel so big.

Marshall: he was my first boyfriend when I moved to NC. He was a dork but we were always together due to being in band. His family was sweet and he was there for me when Kaylee was born. There just weren't any sparks. He was not a good kisser.

Patrick H: he worked with me at the car wash and was another bad boy. He was a good guy and had a twin. I didn't sleep with patrick but him, his brother and I were like the 3 musketeers and were always together. They were always at my house, even after pat and I broke up. It was like having 2 older brothers. When Nick died, patrick left and I haven't heard from him since.

Juan: he was my cousins friends. he was an all right kisser. it didn't last because we were at two different schools and he was in love with my cousin.

John T: he was the one I lost my virginity to. I was in love with him. He was so sweet and caring and bought me a lot of things. He would always bring me flowers and little stuffed animals for no reason. he also was the one who got me pregnant and left me to deal with it on my own. He is kaylee's father.

Will: he was the quarter back. We slept together once. He started using the "juice" and he became angry and volitile. I broke up with him.

Travis T: I thought he was such a hottie. he was another bad boy. We never slept together but we did give eachother oral. But he dumped me for his ex-girlfriend. I guess I was the rebound. Oh well. He was a good kisser but sucked in the oral department.

Justin: he went to a different school. we went out for awhile and we slept together. we broke up before prom but we still went to each others prom. he left me downtown in NC and I had to call my cousin to get me. His car got toilet papered and egged. Asshole. he then had sex in my parents house they were building and left the used condom.

Shawn: he was a junior when I was a senior and he and I slept together after John T and I broke it off. We were dating when I found out I was preggers. His parents thought he was the father and freaked out. we broke up after I realized he was not the father. I had no idea I was pregnant when we started dating.

Sperm boy and I got back together in 200 and lasted till 2002.

Mike F: stalker, but great kisser, oral giver and nice package. also hot body, but he was cheap and looked like a fraggle. he was the first person I slept with after sperm boy and I seperated. we lasted almost 2 years. he still sometimes emails me. he has an ugly looking girl now and lives a mile from me.

Moses E.: he was a fling when S and I were on a break. he fell hard for me and was planning our wedding and we weren't even together a month. he was strange and also a pathological liar. I missed S and dumped him. and that brings us to S. We are still together and hopefully will be forever. We've had rough times but we also have had great times. We are good now and I think it will last as long as I don't communicate with sperm boy, other when I have his daughter.

I'm sure I missed a few boyfriends but in middle through highschool I was a monthly dater. I got bored easily and didn't want to settle for just one boy. Some people thought I was a player. Oh well.
