broken hand?
December 19, 2005

sorry folks, today at work has been hectic. It started with having the most BORING almost 2 hour staff meeting. Then I picked up the baby from school and went to our office party here at work. We just finished cleaning up. The baby's nana picked her up at 2. She was ready to leave. I got a nice purse from my secret santa person, a gift certificate from both my bosses and then a safety alarm with a flashlight from my girl Jackie. That's going to be very useful.

So it's now 3 and I'm back at my desk.
Let's see, where to begin this weekend? Friday night the baby and I ordered chinese and she played her vsmile and we waited for S to come home. Then she and I went and saw the lights tour. She of course got half way through it and said she had to use the bathroom. Well there is no way to get out of this place. So I told her we had to hold it. And we had some people in front of us at the head of the line going 10 miles per hour. I thought my Jeep was going to stall out. So as soon as we got to the exit I took a shortcut to the house. Less than 10 minutes. She ran in and almost pissed herself. Then she went to bed. She was tired. She slept pretty well. I ended up falling asleep with her.
Saturday my girl called and said her baby was having a bitchy moment and so I told her not to worry about coming to visit. Plus the baby and I were busy anyways. We showered and I cleaned and she helped me clean the fridge and put the sodas and juice boxes away. She's a great helper. While I was on the phone with my girl her and S got into it over something. So I had to hang up with her to referee my 24 year old BF and my 5 year olf child. It was pretty funny. So then she and I went to the dollar tree and picked out stuff for her friends gift for wednesday's cheer practice holiday party. I'm on a budget, so I didn't spend that much. After she and I met her Nana at the nail salon and we got our nails and toes done. How relaxing. Of course I got red for the season. They look nice. The baby got a snowflake and a snowman on her big toes. They look nice.
Then she left with her Nana for a holiday party and I went home. S wasn't home when I got there so I relaxed because I didn't want my nails to get messed up. S called and he was at the mall picking up my new ring and some other stuff. He came home and I started doing some laundry and cleaning some more while he "wrapped my presents". Ok my BF is the WORST wrapper in the world. God they are hideous. But at least he tried. And he used wrapping paper instead of newspaper. Sometimes he is ghetto.
I watched the Giants stomp the Chiefs..which was nice. I also cleaned more. S and I had a seriously insane romp session in the living room moving into the kitchen. So I then had to re-clean the kitchen counters. =).
S had his marine buddy come and pick him up because the marine wanted to go to Baltimore and go to some bars. S didn't want to go at first but I told him all I was planning on doing was cleaning and doing laundry and I wanted to watch my chick flick. So he went. When his marine was at the house I came downstairs to find marine's gf in my bathroom. I asked S to come upstairs real quick. I said to him "so she gets an invite and I don't?" He said marine was dropping her off. I said "if she does go with you guys, you better not lie to me and tell me she didn't. If I find out she went, I'm gonna be pissed as hell." So they all left around 9:30.
I was kind of heated, so I decided to clean the baby's room and take her bed apart. So as I was taking the third bolt out of the spring part of the bed, the fourth bolt fell out and down came the spring part on my left hand. I'm glad the baby wasn't there because every cuss word came out of my mouth. Immediately it swelled up and bruised. I texted S and asked him if marine's girl went with them and to tell him I thought I had broken my hand. NO RESPONSE. So I call him and no answer. It rang about 5 times and went to voicemail. So I figured I didn't break it since I could move it so I iced it and got even madder. So I call about 6 times. NO ANSWER.
So I finish her room and it looks great and I cleaned our room and vacuumed. I also cleaned the bathroom and the laundry room. When I'm mad I clean the shit out of things. So after it felt like I had been cleaning for 2 days staraight, I showered and watched my chick flick "O". The movie ended at about 1:30. I still hadn't spoken to S. So I call him again. No answer. All through the movie I texted him as well. NO RESPONSE.
So I watched some TV and then at 2am I call him and he finally answers. So I get real pissy and aske dhim where the fuck he was and who he was with he couldn't answer his phone. he said they were in a bar and it was loud and he didn't hear his phone. Well I know this is BS because he usually will call me when he's out to say what's up. And he never called. So he said we would talk when he got home that he was really drunk. So 3am came and he still wasn't home. It doesn't take a full hour to get home. He calls me and asks me if I am still up because he needs a ride from marine's house because marine was too drunk. I told him to have marines girl drive him home and he said they had dropped her off before they went to baltimore. So I picked him up. Marine lives about 15 minutes away.
He was wasted when I got there and the KC and JoJo song came on and he turned it all loud and started singing and acting insane.
So we stayed up till 4am and I went to bed. I don't remember him coming up at all. Not sure if he even did.
So Sunday i wake up at 12:30. I go downstairs and S is already awake. Apparently he woke up at 10 and didn't want to wake me up. So I ate some cereal and compiled a list of groceries and S went to the store. I cleaned more. He came home and went to his friends house and watched football. I finished cleaning and showered and started working on my scrap book of the things S and I have done. I keep a box and put things in there. yes I am a girlie girl. So then I watched the beginning of the skins game, kicking dallas' ass. Nice! I ate some pizza and went to work. I made about $28. Not too bad. I got home and showered and ate some cereal. I went to bed about 12:30. I of course was awoken by S and his snoring. But I finally fell asleep. this morning was hell getting up.
So that bring us to today which I already spoke about.
Happy Monday. Only 6 days till Xmas!
