mad as hell...
January 06, 2006

well this morning has left me pissed as hell at a few people.
Mainly it's my parents because I need $520 to get my mouth fixed with the mouth guard and my mom asks me "where does your money go?" and I say to her and I break it down for every bill. I don't have an extra $520 sitting around. Fuck them and their over a million dollar accounts and send my little brother to Vegas for 3 days with my cousin for $1000. And your daughter really needs something to keep her almost perfect smile, BUT NO..THEY WOULD RATHER SPEND THEIR MONEY ON THAT "GOLDEN CHILD".

And then this morning I read my "best friends" journal and when I spoke to her last she wasn't planning on doing anything this weekend because the death of her grandmother, but all of a sudden she's thinking of hanging out with THE TWO BIGGEST LOSERS IN THE WORLD...HER BABY'S FATHER AND THE GIRL THAT SLEPT WITH HIM IN HER BED WHILE SHE WAS IN THE HOSPITAL HAVING THEIR KID. Yeah so I'm kind of pissed because I figured if she was planning on doing anything she might of called me and invited me along, but NO she would rather hang with those fucking pieces of shit who have LIED over and over to her. She'll never see that her baby's father is never going to change and spending time with the OTHER WOMAN and exposing her kid to that VILE woman is stupid. Plus if he needs visitation time, then drop the baby to his brothers house and do something for a few hours without chris or becky, like when the baby's father had supervised visitation. But I guess she wants him at her house because she can't get over him. Oh well I could give a fuck less at this point.

And I need a fucking vacation. I need to get the fuck out of this horrible state and just not talk to anyone because the people who you care about always let you down. I should know that by now.

I am mega stressed and S is annoying the shit out of me when he's home when I just want to sit up in the room and play on my computer. But he assumes I'm doing something sketchy. FUCK HIM TOO and I told him that last night. I told him I needed to DESTRESS my life and he proceeds to think that I'm typing a love letter in word and he's the main cause of my stress. I tell him I write stories when I get stressed or I write to de-stress and he just doesn't understand why I won't let him read it. I won't let him read it becuase he will make fun of it or laugh and I don't need that. Plus it's private. Like this site he has no clue about or myspace account. And I don't plan on giving him a link to it either.

Maybe I'll go down to richmond at the end of january and see some of my old guy friends. They always can make me laugh. They are fun because they have no drama. That's why I like having guy friends WAY BETTER than female friends because guys don't have drama, unless they are gay, and can go out and have fun. I'm going to go and email rye now and see what he's up to.

Happy fucking friday! It's going to be cold here this weekend. but no snow. Seems like a nice weekend to chill in the house with the baby and watch movies. I am going to do that and turn my cell off as soon as I pick her up from school today till Monday. Life will be nice.
