And the shit just keeps coming
January 26, 2006

well this week is now even shittier.
So last night I was chilling at a stop sign talking to the baby about people not paying attention and getting into an accident just as I get plowed from behind by a teenager.
So now my neck and back are sore and so are the baby's. And I call my Dr. and they tell me they don't get into the middle of accident insurance and I'd have to pay the full amount and then submit it to the other person's insurance. I think this is BS but you know doctors. Always money hungry asses.
My car is fine, just a few dings and paint and scratches. So I hate this week
And I got my fillings in this morning and my mouth is swollen and feels weird and I'm drooling on myself. So I'm not in the best mood.
Also I wanted to go see my girl this weekend but the baby doesn't want to go to the competition and I'm not going to force her. But I will make plans with my girl for a later date.
I think this weekend I'm going to do nothing and drink. Sounds like a plan. me and pouncer are starting a alchy club. She's west coast alchys and I'm east coast alchys. Anyone is welcome to join for free...
