ramblings of mine for wed...
February 01, 2006

Well I was up till 2am trying to work on these essays to get more funding for school. It was a pain in the ass and then my computer shut down so I had to get to work and do it and fax it to them by 9am. I just finished it. Hopefully it will go through and Sunday I can start classes.
Today is February 1st. Tomorrow is ground hogs day. 25 years ago tomorrow I was officially adopted by the wicked witch and the scarecrow. But it is way better than having been raised by my real mother who was a heroine addict. So I'm blessed.
Sperm Boy left today to go to see his girl friend in Montanta and then on to Seatlle for his interview. he is so out of the baby's life that he called last night to see if she was going to cheer practice. Cheer ended last week.
And the bar I was going to apply to last night, the manager creeped me out so I declined to fill the application and left. So still looking for a PT job.
And that's really it. I watched American Idol last night but wasn't impressed. The one thing I noticed is that guys with Southern accents are a HUGE turn on for me. And tonight they will be in Austin Texas..so hot
Going to get the baby after work for our weekly girl dinner.
Happy hump Day and Happy Black History month as well!

Oh did anyone catch Governot Kaine's reaction to the State of the Union. That guy creeped me out. He used the hand gestures like clinton and kept raising his eyebrow like the rock.

Do you smell what Governor Tim Kaine is cooking?
