February 08, 2006

Well I was sick yesterday. It sucked the fat one. I was barfing from like 11:30 pm till about 8 am. Not a big fan of the vomitting. I hate vommitting. I hate having a stomach ache. I hate everything about my stomach hurting. I would much rather have an ear ache or a sore throat then a stomach ache.

So i did nothing all day except email back and forth to my friend Carrie and my other friend Kim. S got off work early, like 9:30am. So he was home aggrivating me all day. he was like super horny all day and my stomach was killing me. So I just told him I owed him when I felt better.

S wanted to go to dinner so I showered but while in the shower I got sick. So no dinner for Lauren. I told him to go and he came home with a bland chicken meal. I ate a few bites and it made me feel better. I took another shower and fell asleep.

I got some of my homework done while I was sick. I did my discussion board question and then I read about my project. But I just kept feelin queasy. I hadn't slept the whole night before. I watched all the shows that I have DVR'ed. I was so behind on numerous shows but I watched all of them. I wanted to watch Gilmore Girls last night, but AI was on and I was downstairs and so was S and he wanted to watch AI. I have GG DVR'ed so I'll watch that later today.

But nothing too exciting. Monday the baby wanted to stay at her Nana's house becuase the boys were over there. So I am glad she stayed because I would not want her to be sick.

I'm off Friday for a Dr. appt. Hopefully UPS will make my man work Friday. I love him but I wanted to relax yesterday and take it easy and watch what I wanted to watch and he was being a pain in the ass.

Happy Hump Day. Go out and get you some strange ass! (wedding crashers)
