busy 3 days
February 21, 2006

Well this 3 day weekend was full of stuff that did not involve any sort of relaxing for me.

Nothing too interesting happened, just was busy with cleaning out the old house (which is not even half way done), cleaning my house with S, playing with the baby, cleaning up her Picasso artwork, laundry, birthday dinner with the Nana and family and homework. I did get some sleep on Saturday thanks to S watching the baby for about 2 hours. And Sunday she went to the Nana's and went and saw Disney on Ice. That is when I cleaned her old room at Sperm Boys house out and stuffed 3 trash bags for my girl Carrie's kid. I had an allergy attack from the dust. it sucked.

Yesterday S's car decide to let the brakes go out so we were busy getting his car fixed all day. Sears is incompetent by our house. I will no longer take any vehicle there. Thank God Meneike was open. I didn't get to my homework till after the Nana's bday dinner last night. I still have to work on this power point project at lunch.

S and I had amazing sex this weekend...Sunday night and then yesterday he sexually assaulted me twice. It was nice, we needed it. It was like we have been going through this spell of not touching, communicating or kissing and finally Sunday I guess he couldn't take it anymore. I won't get into detail but it was great and I feel much more connected and yesterday we went through the whole day messing around and goofing off, even though he had to spend $500 to fix his car. It was a nice holiday day, but I needed to finish more stuff. But I would much rather have the nice times with S then having all my HW done.

Thursday to monday the baby will be with us. I am in the process or re-arranging her room with the stuff I got from Sperm boys house. I want to make sure it's done before thursday.

Happy tuesday!
oh yeah the goodbiboy..I am so jealous...he's off all week on break....
