February 24, 2006

I am so bored here at work. I have work to do but it's Friday, I'm EXTREMLY horny and I can't stop thinking about having crazy relationships with random people. Lord I have issues.

I found out I'm going to have to have surgery on my mouth. I have a consultation monday so we will see. March is very busy for me and a surgery is not really going to work in my schedule. Damn it.

I got an email from my stripper pole friend and she's still cheating on her husband with a 21 year old. She'll be 25 in June. Plus she's trying to get preggers. Apparenlty next week she's going out with this girl she works with and some of the girls friends to a male strip club and getting a hotel with all of them. Her husband said they would have to talk about it. If I said this to S he would totally think I was being sketchy. I would even think it's sketchy.

I want to go home, but i have work and then I have to pick the baby up.
Yipee for work!!!!
