Fat Tuesday
February 28, 2006

I have been neglecting you all and I apologize...well, not really! =)

Life is nutty here at work and in my life in general. Let's start from last weekend

GiGi(which is The Nana's mother), had a stroke on Saturday. She is fine but in the hospital. The baby thought she was going to die since the ambulance had to come. This stroke resulted in me being at the hospital waiting for The Nana's alchy sister to show, which she never did. The Nana was still in Vegas. So I have S watch the baby while I sit there and do nothing, waiting till about 7pm. I was heated. The Nana's brother flew in from Cali and came directly to the hospital and releived me, cursing the alchy bitch the whole time. I wasted my Saturday afternoon and time away from my baby and my man.
Sunday S and the baby get into a fight because she is over tired and he is cranky. So the baby is hysterical and S is being an ass, so I tell them both that I am leaving if they don't stop. So they shut it and the rest of the evening the baby and I spend upstairs, me cleaning and her playing Manager. It's her new game where she walks around with a purse, that is clear, with as much shit as she can stuff in it shit and walk around and ask me, "the janitor" where certain people are because she has a meeting with them and it's important. Then she fires me. How rude! And then she pretends she is my little kid and says that she will give me her money and I won't be broke anymore. The child is INSANE!

Yesterday I had a staff meeting that took up pretty much the morning because I got here late because the baby refused to get up. I had to literally drag her by her legs out of bed and dress her while she was half asleep. I was pissed so I yelled at her, then I felt bad. So we made up.
I left early from work yesterday becuase I had an appointment with the oral surgeon. I had to have a consultation for my surgery.

I have surgery scheduled on Tuesday. They are going to "knock me the fuck out". It's going to be great. Pain pills have already been prescribed. I will be off tuesday and wed., then I have to be back for Thursday. I have the kick off of Elder Law. Yipee! And Amelia Badelia! Yipee twice!

I'm having an anxiety attack becuase my Dr. who give me my Adderal is not returning my calls. I have 4 pills left! I have been calling since last friday. It's tuesday! And it has to be a WRITTEN prescription. I can't wait till next Friday when I have an appointment. It's not possible, so now I'm having an anxiety attack! lovely.

ok anyways thegoodbiboy is back from his week long break! Welcome back!

But I must finish this and get to work.
Happy Fat Tuesday!
