Finally a few minutes to update..
March 30, 2006

Ok so I'm back from the barn and finished cleaning up our track, so i have about 20 minutes to update.

I can't remember when I reall wrote last so I'll be brief in case I am repeating myself:

1. S came home 2 days before he was scheduled. That kind of sucked because I was getting use to the quiet and I was hoping to have some people over that he doesn't care ofr to chill with, but he came home early, so oh well.
2. We had fantastic welcome home sex for 3 hours. It was fantastic and some real kinky stuff happened but I can't share it...oh well...
3. The baby is leaving for her Spring Break on April 9th through the 14th. She's going to FL with her Nana. Isn't that nice that my 5 year old gets to have a nice Spring Break and what am I doing Spring Break time? Oh yeah that thing called work! Damnit! I'm so jealous of my baby. Sad isn't it?
4. I've been dealing with bad ass 4th graders and dust and dirt and my retarded whistle, that these bad ass 4th graders don't listen to, but at least I get to enjoy the beautiful weather, unlike my girl Jackie who is stuck inside doing the most boring track ever..NUTRITION. Poor lady and she keeps trying to come out to the barn, but her boss is a beotch and leaves her all the time as the one in charge. So I have gotten to take pictures of the barns and animals outside and drive the John Deere Gator around. This afternoon my boss and I took the Gator into the fields and did doughnuts. It was a blast. I like my male boss because he gives me fun shit to do unlike my female boss who just makes me input shit into data bases all the time.

I have no plans for the weekend (BIG SURPISE, right?). I am taking the baby to see Ice Age 2 and working on my homework. So far I have an A in my 2nd class. boosted for myself. Gotta keep it up so I'll be doing that tonight.

But no evil children will be here tomorrow at work so I actually get to be at my desk and maybe chat with my friends online. I've missed being online....

Happy thursday...well almost Friday since it's the end of the business day and no one I know is still at work...lucky bastards!
