The pain in my head
March 31, 2006

I have a headache the size of a mountain. And I'm exhausted. Today has been a long day of doing shit for work and trying to get some other shit done, but the receptionist is off, lucky her, and I'm answering the phone and they just keep calling about retarded shit.
I've been waiting to IM my friend from up north but they aren't on and I haven't spoken to them in awhile, since this horrid program started.
Tomorrow I have to drag the baby to the ford dealership and have the free service done at 7:45am and sit there and then drag her to a girl scout meeting before swim. she is going to kill me. But I am taking her to see the ice age movie tonight with S, so she can't hurt me too bad.
I have been trying to write this paper but with this headache I can't get anything done. Damnit! And it's due tomorrow. I may have to sit the baby in front of her educational video game system till we have to leave for the GS meeting so I can type this paper. Maybe I can S to watch her while I'm at the ford dealership or maybe have him follow me so I can just drop it and then drive us back over there before the meeting. We will see what his plans are.
And I think I forgot deodarant today. I don't smell bad but I'm hotter than I normally am. But I might of put it on. I just can't remember what I did this morning becuase of the horrid pain in my head and my right ear.

Ok I've bitched enough. It's Friday! I have 2 more hours of this hell then the baby is home all weekend. Have a great weekend all and I'll try to update next week if I can.
