Why can't mothers be nice?
April 12, 2006

I can't stand my mother. She is such a bitch. I tell her about my GREAT EVALUATION and she's like "IF IT REALLY WENT THE WAY YOU SAY, GOOD JOB". Not I'm proud of you for doing such a great job at work and I'm glad people appreciate you...no she has to be like IF it went...errrr. I don't have the $176 for the ticket for the train and she's refusing to give it to me till I actually show up in CT. And the Nana just spent $800 on my dental bill. I could possibly get it next week with that paycheck but I just maxed my credit card out on my medicine yesterday. What a freaking ordeal that was because I was refilling it a few days before it would be authorized and my insurance wouldn't pay, so thus I had to pay $120 out of pocket. Fuck. I am so broke. I hate being broke.
I can't wait till July and I get my 4% raise. Thank god for my bosses thinking I exceed expectations and I am outstanding! At least someone appreciate me. I am just sick of my mother thinking I'm worthless and her son is the almighty Christ.
Ok enough bitching. S is going with me and he won't put up with her being disrespectful. Maybe he'll put her in her place and she'll hate him and then I'll never have to see them AGAIN!
