April 21, 2006

So anyone see the OC last night? What a crap show. So unbelievable. I love that show but last night I was disappointed. They needed to make the baby Ryan's to make it more interesting and Marissa needs to bang the shit out of Vulcheck. I would, he's hot, even though he lives in a beat ass apartment. I mean both Ryan and Vulchek are hotties. And Seth needs to grow some balls and just tell Summer that he didn't get into brown. Next week looks more interesting. I hope it is because I am going to have a fit becasue Gilmore Girls wasn't that interesting either this week. Maybe I just don't like the whole everybody is go GAY and everyone is extremly happy and getting married or having babies stuff anymore. Maybe I have out grown the whole GG show. Soon to be outgrowing the OC and Everwood as well. Damn then I have no show I enjoy, except 24. I love 24, very interesting show but I figured out it was President Logan behind everything before they dropped that bomb. I also like 7 Heaven but it's almost over FOREVER. So there goes that show. Damn.

So today being a female sucks for the weekend and a few days past. All females know what I am talking about. It hits you at the most inconvenient times and hurts like hell and you just want to sleep and eat junk. Now if any males are reading this know whatt I am talking about now as well. So I'm tired, a bit cranky, super horny and in pain. Love being a chick. Thanks mother nature or who ever created this lovely time of the month. And it hit me this morning at 5am and I didn't go back to sleep. So this weekend will suck. And it's going to rain.

The baby was so cute this morning when I dropped her off. She kept telling me to pick her up before it rained becuase they weren't allowed to play outside in the rain and then she would be bored. But I told her I had to work till 5pm and can't come before it rains.

My bosses are not here today. Yipee for that. I get my new boss Monday but I'm not going to be here. And this whole woman thing is going to suck on Sunday when I run in my 10K.

Better cheer me on from 8am till 9:20 if I plan to beat my last record. So Sunday morning at 8am think this, Lauren is starting her marathon and she will be great or something like that. Don't forget. I will get sad if I don't feel the vibes from my fellow readers. Ok yeah I just popped 1/2 a percocet for my pain. I'm a little loopy.

Have a great weekend. Drink for me
