the Kiss of Death
May 19, 2006

this weekend is the big meet the parents weekend but unfortunately I'm sure it will not hold the humor of the Robert deniro flick...which makes me sad...=(. I love Deniro so I could use some comedy right now. My stomach is in knots.
Well I don't know if I posted a message yesterday, yes I have the CRS syndrome...Can't remember shit! Anyways S almost killed me, but it was an accident before people come to my house with guns! Ok one person I know who owns a gun no longer reads my journal so I think he will be safe..I miss carrie!
So we had the gay picnic at work and the baby and S came. This was case you care. So the baby was eating and I was watching her eat , in case of choking or her doing something embarassing. But I wasn't watching S. I felt bad but my kid is #1. So Tony Soprano picks up the baby and then S leaves. He plants a nice fat one on my lips and I leave to go back in for the even gayer recognition awards presentation. So i'm sitting there and then I get all itchy. Well I had to walk out, after my director tells everyone what a pleasant and wonderful person I am...BOOSTED! So I go out and people follow me since apparently I'm turning all red. So what happens next? You guessed it, I start wheezing. I'm having another allergy attack!
So I get my Epi-Pen, which I have never used, pull my pants down in my bosses office, in front of my female coworker..who could be my mother, and shoot myself in the leg. Damn that shit hurt like a motha! So of course when I was wheezing and my throat was closing, they called 911. My boss called S to tell him I was going to the hospital.
Well let's rewind to that morning. S tells me while we are leaving "Let's try to make this a hospital free day". Coincidence? Or the last allergy attack where I almost died at annual conference, my horoscope tells me "Be prepared to be the center of attention today". Weird.
So S of course gets to the hospital and I'm no where to be found becuase the EMT people are taking FOREVER asking me questions. At this point my BP is at 180 and my throat hurts and all I want to do is take a nap. Apparently the Epi-Pen is adrenaline and it got my heart racing like I was dying. So I get to the hospital and I have oxygen in my nose and S is standing there in the ambulance bay waiting and when I get off on the stretcher he grabs my hand and apologizes and apologizes. The EMT workers then say things like "you have the kiss of death" "love kills"..blah blah blah. By the time I got to the hospital my BP went back down to normal and I was fine, but of course 2 people had to have really big emergencies and I was there till late Wed. night, which made me really tired when I got home and I couldn't go to Walmart to get my bra I need for graduation and black socks for S.
Last night was Girl Scouts so I got home just in time to watch Marissa die on the OC, Boosted! I knew she was going to go off the show, which is fine with me. I think Ryan needs more of a real woman.
So today I will work all day, then go to walmart, go home and pack and most likely re-pack my stuff and then tomorrow morning, off to CT till Wednesday. I'll be back Wed. and will tell you all about it! I'm sure you will hold your breath and say a few prayers....
Have a great weekend and drink some for me since I will be stuck in CT with the wicked witch and Jesus!
