AI, grounded and rambling
May 25, 2006

So Taylor won AI! I'm glad he won since I thought Katherine had no personality. Chris should of won, but he's already been picked up and has deals the minute he got booted off, so it's all good. I'm not a fan of AI and I think it makes the people change their ways, so I think it's kind of retarded.

Well I grounded the baby last night cause she was being a terror. So for the first time in her life of 5 1/2 years she is grounded and can't play with her friends today and can't go to the movies tonight as planned. She was being a terror and so she got into trouble.

And I am going to talk about my new game on my sidekick. It's like the Giga pets that you use to have to take care of and feed and keep them happy. Anyone remember those? Well I have one on my sidekick and his name is Stevie. So far he hasn't died, like the original Stevie I had for 24 hours and killed him. It has 4 lives and so far Stevie the spider has lived one day and still has all 4 lives and right now is very happy. I did have to give him some medicine this morning since he was sick and was on the brink of death but I fixed him and he's ok. So I will update you all on the life of my spider, Stevie. And yes I have no life.

I got my forst B's on papers and I deserved it so I'm not worried. I still will make deans list since all my other grades were A's. I have a week off and then classes begin again. Two classes again so I'll be bogged down with that. I only have 10 more months of class! Yipee! Then I'm having a graduation party without the boring graduation ceremony. Just beer and more beer and possibly strippers. I'm planning a huge party for March of 2008. Everyone is invited! Mark your calendars! I know you are so very excited.

And I am just rambling at this point since I'm a little hyper and my boss is on a conference call and my other boss is at the beach. So I have no work, I mean I do but nothing that needs to be done ASAP. So I am just on here rambling about nonsense.

Oh my mom is coming into town next weekend to move lil CJ into his friend's apartment in Georgetown. I'm happy since I didn't get to spend much time with my lil brother growing up so it will give me and the baby a chance to get to know him and spend time with him. I just hope my mom is only here for a night. My house is a mess.

My plans for the big 3 day weekend will go like this:
1. Clean the house from top to bottom because the wicked witch will be in town next week.
2. Wash and clean out the car since the wicked witch doesn't know about the new ride and want her not to bitch.
3. Get clothes together for goodwill. Mostly all of S's clothes. Some person will be very happy with all the clothes he has.
4. Take a few naps and drink some beers and relax after all my work is done.

But that's really it. I'm leaving early to go to the GS store to pick up supplies for next week's meeting and then pick the baby up from school and feed her dinner and play inside. Should be fun since her friends have become her world. And also Sperm Donor hasn't contacted us in about a month. nice huh?

Happy Thursday! I hope everyone got some latin ass last night. I didn't but if you did, you must spill the details!
