VA and the asshole
June 21, 2006

Ok so it's been awhile since I wrote. Things have been busy at work, home and school. The baby has become a drama queen and should really be picked up by the soap operas.
I went to VA this past weekend to see my friend who is preggers and I brought the baby. Well that morning, Sat., she was throwing her body around and crying and saying how she didn't want to go and how it's boring and all this BS so I finally said, I've had it! And I put her in her room and closed the door and held it while she screamed. S left and got cigs and gas in my car and came back. He can't deal with the crying and screaming.
So she calmed down and then was just crying so I told her that I didn't hurt her becuase I hadn't touched her. I don't spank my kid becuase I am afraid I may hurt her. My mother use to abuse me and I'm afraid I might of gotten her gene even though I was adopted.
So S gets back and she starts whining and crying and he says if she doesn't stop whining and crying he's going to give her something to cry about by taking all her toys and video games and karaoke thing and giving them away to the poor children in the area who have nothing and would appreciate them. Well that shut her up real quick. So I fed her and she went with me and we made a deal no more whining or crying becuase she is a fortunate child. She was an angel the rest of the weekend. I mean a pure angel.

And Saturday night the baby called S and said Happy Father's Day and he was speechless. it was cute.

The baby left this morning for Cali till Sunday. I miss her but she is going to have a blast! I have to water the Nana's plants and check the cat boxes. I most likely won't do the cat boxes cause I have an allergy to cats and I don't want to see Tony S. he's been a real pain and asshole lately to me. So i try to avoid him because I will kirk on his fat ass.

S and I went and saw the Break Up last night. There were about 10 minutes of funny in it. I wasn't impressed. And it took place in Chicago so with my dad in Chicago and the pain he is causing our family, it made me feel sadder then I already was. So that could be why I wasn't impressed. Vince V. looks old and shitty. Jennifer A. is attractive but scrawny! It was kind of funny how much S and Vince V's character have in common. He even said that when we got home last night from the movie. I wanted to leave halfway through but he wanted to stay. It wasn't that great and it made me cry two times because it was like watching my relationship with S on the big screen played by a much better looking female. So if you are looking for a funny movie, pick something else. It was more of a romantic movie that had some funny parts. I expected alot more! So I give it 2 stars.

On July 28th I get to go and see my man, Kenny Chesney in concert. I do this every year in the summer so I am boosted. I couldn't afford the tickets this year so a friend I have bought us both one as long as I drive down there. So I said no worries! So we are going to go early and tailgate. Should be fun.

And that's really all. My father has begun to make my mom 100% miserable so in turn I hear it all and he is in the process of trying to come and see me. Since 1999 when has that man come and seen me ever? NEVER. My mother usually made him come or he would stay home. So he is just coming to make her upset and use me to make her sad. It will not happen because as far as I am concerned he is not my father and can be in the baby's life but when he is leaving, if he even shows up, I plan on telling him I don't appreciate being used to hurt mom since all she has done was take care of his stupid ass for the past 30 years and do everything for the asshole.

Ok enough on the ass I call my "father". I am trying to get a Marine to come and speak to my little girls with Daisy troop next week since we are sending little about me books over to S's little brother and his unit. But no one is in the recruiters office.

Happy Hump Day!
