BBQ chicken and more
June 22, 2006

Last night I made BBQ chicken, rice, corn and peas. It was really good and S even said it was the best meal I have ever cooked. So I was happy. Then I worked on homework. I can't beleive how much time I spend sitting on my ass. 8 hours at work (give or take since I get up alot and walk around) and then at least 3-4 hours every night doing homework.
I want to enter this tennis championship but I need $80 before this sunday and I don't get paid before next friday. I know S would give it to me but then I'd owe him $80.

Speaking of S, last night we were having sex and I think something is off. I don't know, maybe it's just me but I just ogt off my monthly visitor and it felt like I was getting a rug burn down there. So this morning it's inflamed and red and feels raw. I know, TMI, but this is my diary and I can freak out on it if I want to. it's not like anyone really reads it. My girl Carrie use to but I don't know if she does anymore. But anyways maybe it's because I just ended my monthly cycle I was all dry. Cause after I finished him off because I couldn't do it anymore from the pain, I drank two bottles of water. So maybe I was dehydrated? I don't know.

So the baby is in Cali. The Nana is emailing me pictures so I will get them posted. She called last night and was being a silly goose and sounded like she grew up over night. I mean she is going into kindergarten in the fall and I am so saddened by this but also excited because now she will be in real school and begin to read and write and entertain herself more. But it just makes me tear up that my baby isn't really a baby anymore.

Ok well happy thursday. One more day. Click comes out tonight. Looks funny but I love Adam Sandler. And Eight below is on DVD, gotta check out my hottie Paul Walker.
