Pain in my ass
July 21, 2006

well S and I were good but then I made the mistake of saying that his older brother's gf was going to be at the same concert as me next friday and he started being an asshole so I tell him not to speak to me all evening and he didn't and I didn't either. We are some stubborn people. I slept on the couch, well the 3 hours of sleep I got. I was up late doing homework. Will be doing the same thing tonight and tomorrow I have to take the baby to the Dr. she has a strange little back rash and her pediatrician has hours tomorrow so we're going to do that. how exciting. then she has a play date maybe in the afternoon unless the rash is contageous. My boss asked me this morning if I could have the baby play with ehr son tomorrow afternoon and I said we will see. He's a cute little boy and they have played before, plus she's a nice person so it's all good. But I don't know if I'll be up to it. My stomach has been messed up all week and I hate this feeling. So maybe I'll get some sleep tonight after I do homework and get the baby to bed. Fun fun times in the life of L.
But I don't plan on talking to S today either because he was the one in the wrong.
And my horoscope said today:
You have done all you can in regards to a relationship. Let them do their part now.
How ironic is that?
Happy Friday everyone! Have a good weekend!
