Flaky people
July 27, 2006

So i deleted my myspace account and started a Yahoo 360 page. I like it alot and found some interesting people on it. Plus now I won't have to look at my ex's myspace page like it's crack and I'm a junkie. I needed to close that door a long time ago and when he found me on myspace and became my "friend" it was more then I could take. I could of denied him but I didn't, just like in the past. And so for that I ended my relationship with myspace and the ex. I feel good about it. Plus I can't get on myspace from work and I spend 8 hours on the computer at work, so what's the point? There really isn't one.
Tonight is GS. I am pissed at my assistant leader because last night we were going to stay late at work and work on the little ceremony but she flaked, so I had to do shit alone. I hate when I make plans with people and they flake out. bastards. So tonight is the rehersal and I'm all dis-organized. Err! I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I'm drowning in a sea of shit.
Mother comes into town tomorrow which also is stressing me. She's only here for the day and spending the night, but she's staying at the house, which means cleaning. And to find time cleaning while doing homework doesn't happen. S is no help. his back is killing him so all he does is when he gets home and shower and lay on the couch all night.
The baby just called and is on their way home from Cape Cod. She has a great life, I am so jealous! The Nana said she made some friends and played pool and made some decent shots. Could my baby be a pool shark? Hmmm
And the shower for my preggers friend is coming up in like a month and I have nothing accomplished other than just sending out the invites. Go me for being organized. I figured when the ceremony is over (Aug. 10) and these two classes are over, I will have about 2 weeks to kick my ass into gear. Should be exciting, not really!
And then I have fair week at work the week of August 14th so the baby is going to my mother's in NC for that week since The Nana will be in Vegas with Tony Soprano. I have to work and she has no day care so my mom offered to take her. Boos for me, but the baby isn't too fond of mother. She's great with her but stricter then The Nana and me. But my cousins will be there and they adore the baby so she can play with them. Plus it gives mother someone to take care of since The Coward (my father) dipped out to Chicago. He's so worthless.
Talking about The Coward, I emailed him a mature email about my feeling s and planning a visit with him and he never responded. Proves he didn't care and just really wanted to show people that not all of the family hates him. I don't hate him but I don't like the person he has become, distant and heartless. Very sad because he and I use to be close and then around 8 years ago he became a person who stopped caring about his oldest and only daughter and focused on the Golden Child (my brother). So I have no reason to let his ass back into my life right now with how busy I am, not to mention he is leaving my mom with all the bills and no money. I have a CD with about 10K in it and I told her to take it and use the money to pay the bills. He left her with a mortgage on an over million dollar home and three vehicles. So if he can change and be a decent person and the father I once knew, then we'll be tight again and we can visit, but until then he can kiss my ass.
OK..wow that was evil but it's the truth and this is my diary and I can say what I want and if people think I'm an evil bitch then go ahead, I don't care. I don't have to care because like I said, my diary, my opinion!
Ok sounds like I'm about to rant. Maybe I will, maybe I won't....
I heard through the grapevine (Tony Soprano and his big mouth) that Sperm boy (baby daddy) is waiting for his whore fiance to get out of the air force so they can move to Hawaii and he will be a cop there. What a worthless turd. He already moved across the country from his daughter and now he wants to move to Hawaii. I hope his whore is worth loosing the sweetest child in the world. I guess mother's care more for their children then fathers do. I guess that's why they call it the maternal instinct. I can't beleive how many worhtless fathers there are out there. Those who just abandon their children with no thought or care on how it will affect them later in life. Take for example, the baby. She is almost 6 years old with no father figure other then tony Soprano who is a child himself and sometimes S, but no one will be her father. No one can take the place of him and she will not be happy till he comes back into her life. I beleive she will have issues in relationships later in life because of this. Her father moved away and left her, her grandfather moved away and left her...who else male wise is going to leave? She has some issues because of her father but she is less and less asking for him, which is a sign she is moving on and so will I. So say goodbye to Sperm Boy for life and pretend that he doesn't exist because that makes me and the baby feel better. He was my best friend, even through our whole divorce and us dating other people, and now he left and I don't even hear a goodbye from his mouth. I hope his whore is worth it. He lost his daughter and best friend for life for her. I can't beleive that. Oh well.
Ok enough of my pity party. It's Thursday and tomorrow is Friday, which means the Kenny Chesney concert and getting wasted!
Happy Thursday, have a great weekend since I am off tomorrow and get drunk and party naked! I will be doing that! Yes even the naked part if I'm drunk enough, but in the privacy of my own home so I'm not arrested for public drunkeness and indescent exposure.
