KC concert pix
July 31, 2006

Ok so I went to the KC Concert on Friday and have some pictures of him. I think they are decent considering I was on the lawn and they are of him on the screen.

There is just something sexy with guys in cut off shirts that have nice muscles and wearing hats. I love guys in hats for some reason.
Mother was here and pleasant. I think the world is about to end....

And S and I got into it this weekend and I can honestly say today that my feelings for him are not of love any longer but of disappointment and sadness that he isn't the guy I thought he was and wanted in my life. It's a long story and to type it all would make me even angrier. But let's just say it has to involve him being selfish and inconsiderate of my feelings. Wow, what's new?
So I'm looking for a room to rent or maybe an efficeny apartment when October comes. My raise didn't do shit except give me an extra $30 which is gas money. And that's it. I need a new job with more money. I love the peeps I work with but the money can't get me through the two weeks and all my bills. And they aren't bill that aren't necessary. I have to have insurance and I have cut back on using the cell phone since I don't have a home phone and I have to have the net for school work, and I have to have a car to get to work. So I have nothing left over and I feel bad because I am throwing a shower for my friend and I have literally $25 for it. And I haven't gotten anything for the shower what so ever. So I'm worried that everyone is going to view it as a shitty party and I must be a horrid friend. I wasn't planning on having a huge extravagant party but the food will be at least $25...oh well. Maybe I'll get lucky and have some money come that I dind't know I had.
Hope all are well and your weekends were nice. I had a nice time Friday but the rest of the weekend sucked and that is S's fault. As usual!
