Weekend ramblings

Ok so this weekend was nutty. Friday night I went to pick up Ana only to find out she had a high fever and didn't feel well at all. So I stayed with her and waited till she fell asleep and went home. I got home and did nothing. I was so tired. I fell asleep on the chair.
Then Saturday I call her grandmother's house to find out Ana is still sick. I decided since I haven't been home all week the place needed cleaning, so I cleaned for some time. Then I read some and worked out on my crappy treadmill.
Then Saturday night we went with Steven's best friend Waters to this place called Firehouse Cue. It was fun. We all drank a little more than we should of. We then went to Denny's and ate. We didn't get home till 3:45am. I went to sleep drunk as a skunk.
Sunday morning I woke up with a horrible hangover. Ana was still sick and I felt bad, but I chalked it up to the hangover. So then I rested all day and then went to the grocery store. I also watch my skins stay undefeated! 3-0 Go Skins! I came home and went to work. I made $53 dollars. I didn't get home till 10:45 though. That made me mad. So I took a shower and then I got some sex! And then I passed out.
So this morning I am happy cause I got some last night and I have to organize my office a little bit and then chill out. I have no work to do! Yipee!
