My boring weekend
October 10, 2005

Well the weekend wasn't that interesting. I didn't do anything friday night. Saturday Angelina and I made halloween cookies, painted a rock, played with her doll house and then took a nap together. I then had two of my girlfriends over and we played poker. I had about 11 shots of what I call Lauren's concoction. It was delicious. Then I drank one and half beers. I was GONE! No one won. We just got our $10 back. They suck at playing. I would rather play with the boys. I then raped my boyfriend because I was super horny because of my drunken condition.
So Sunday I woke up with no headache..wonderful and then I layed in bed all day. Some people came over to watch the Skins game..they lost by 2 points! Damn. Still 3-1 isn't too bad!
So then I went to work and made $19..what the hell is the point? I dropped a coworker off at her house and went home. I showered and ate some leftovers and then I tried falling asleep. Didn't work. Steven was snoring like a mad person! I can't deal with people that snore. So I went to sleep in my daughter's bed. I woke up this morning to Steven carrying me back to our bed. Would of been nice to have some morning sex but I was running late. So I showered and picked up my daughter.
So rugrat is here with me till 12. Should make an interesting day. I have about a pinky's worth of patience left and we've only been here for 30 minutes. Lord save me!
Oh on a side note, I had an interesting texting night on saturday with my HS crush.
