another survey
November 10, 2005

Another survey stolen from a fellow dlander..


1. crashed a friend's car: no
2. been in love: not true love till now
3. been dumped?: Only two times. I usually dump the person first.
4. shoplifted?: only one time and it was lipstick and I was dared. I got away with it.
() been fired: Nope. I quit before
() been laid off? only when the company was closing and I got a nice severance
() been in a fist fight: Yes in NC against this girl i hated. I got in a few good licks while her friends stood there and did nothing. Her uncle tried to press charges, but it didn't work.
() snuck out of your parent's house Yep, several times in NC
() had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: Yep
() been arrested: I have been handcuffed but was not taken "downtown"
() smoked a cigarette: All the time
() gone on a blind date: Yep and it sucked. I faked a stomach virus and left.
() lied to a friend: Only when they ask questions that are stupid, like "do I look fat?"
() skipped school: Numerous times. Almost didn't graduate because of my skipping.
() seen someone die: No but saw someone almost die.
() had a crush on one of your internet friends: no because that would make me attracted to my girl Carrie
(X) been to Mexico: Yes, went to Cozumel with my cousins and parents.
(X) been on a plane: Alot of times
(x) purposely set a part of yourself on fire: No, that would make me a nutcase. I have set things on fire though.
(X) eaten Sushi: Once and it was NASTY
(X) been skiing: Once and almost hit a tree. Never got back on skies.
(X) met someone in person from the internet: Nope, too creepy.
(x) been moshing at a concert: Only once at HFS.
(X) taken painkillers: numerous times
(X) love someone or miss someone right now: Yep
(X) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: Only when I was high
(X) made a snow angel: All the time as a kid
(x) had a tea party:When I was younger with my stuffed animals
(X) flown a kite: Who hasn't?
(X) built a sand castle: Yes but they all sucked and the ocean killed them.
(x) gone puddle jumping: if you were ever a kid, then you have done this numerous times
(X) played dress up: yep
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves: yes and then got bitten by a spider and my hand swelled up. No more jumping for me!
(x) gone sledding: Every year!
() cheated while playing a game:I use to cheat at Monopoly when no one was looking. I was always the banker!
(X) been lonely: yeah, who hasn't?
(X) fallen asleep at work/school: I think I slept my 12th grade away, when I went to class
(x) used a fake id To get into clubs: No, just used my smile and my cleavage
(X) watched the sun set: yes
() felt an earthquake? no
(x) touched a snake: yes I had a water mocassin go around my neck while swimming in Georgia. My dad pulled me out of the water by my hair. I hate snakes.
() slept beneath the stars: Once, when I went camping with my friend Nick.
(X) been tickled:I hate it!
() been robbed: not at gun point, but people have stolen things from me
(X) been misunderstood: alot of times
(x) petted a reindeer/goat: A goat
(X) won a contest: I won tickets to see a christmas symphony off the radio. Never went though.
() ran a red light: all the time
() been suspended from school? inschool suspension and out of school suspension
() been in a car wreck? yes and I got burned by the airbag, but not permanent scarring.
() had braces? since I was 11 to 16.
(X) felt like an outcast: yep
(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night: Almost when I was preggers.(X) had deja vu: once or twice
(X) liked the way you look: sometimes, especially if I'm in my clubbing clothes and look hot or in an evening gown
(x) witnessed a crime: I saw my cousin give a BJ to someone and apparently having oral sex is against the law.
(X) questioned your heart: always
(X) been obsessed with post-it notes: they are all over my desk
(X) been to the opposite side of the country: yes
(X) swam in the ocean on both sides of the US: yes
(X) made prank phone calls: a few times() laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? yes and it was milk in front of this hottie
(x) made a bonfire on the beach: yes with my boys from NC
(X) crashed a party: it was fun but won't do it again
() believe in ghosts? yes
() have more then 30 pairs of shoes? no
() gone streaking/ skinny dipping? yes with a few people
() gone doorbell ditching? yes
() played chicken? yes
() been pushed into a pool/hot tub with all your clothes on? yes, numerous times
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger: numerous times
(x) broken a bone: my wrist
(X) cheated on a test: 11th grade
() been threatened to be kicked out of your house? numerous times
() been kicked out of your house? yep when I was 18
(x) had a one night stand: Nope
