Description of the perfect male for me
November 14, 2005

My ad that I would like to put in a personal:

Young, attractive 24 year old, single mother of a beautiful 5 year old girl, in search of an attractive male, with nice teeth and taller than 5'7.

He must have a stable job and make above $50,000 a year so I can stay home or work part-time so I can stay home with our children.

Yes, I want one or two more children. He must also treat my child like his own. He must have a nice package and very fertile. I am looking for a man that will help me produce more beautiful children, since I already have one. I don't want children that have faces "that only a mother could love".

He must also have great communication skills and have nice manners. He must be outgoing and get along with my friends. He must give me his full attention even when football is on. My words must be important.
He also must give me a compliment once a week and the favor will be returned.

He must enjoy helping with chores and not throw his dirty boxers on the bathroom floor.

He is allowed to have friends and go out with his friends once or twice a week, including one weekend night, but only if he devotes and evening for just me. And maybe invite me to hang with your friends every once and awhile.

On birthdays and Christmas, he must give me gifts that are more than $5.00 and that won't turn my finger green. Nothing too expensive because I am not materialistic. And the card must have something heart felt inside. Not just a signature.

He must also attend our children's sports/concerts/or other functions without bitching. He may miss some, but only if ill or business related. Every holiday he must be present unless he is in the hospital dying from something.

In the bedroom he must enjoy foreplay and oral sex, giving and receiving. And he must be good in bed and if I talk dirty, do it back. Don't just lay there while I do all the work. I must know he is enjoying it, so give suggestions.

No cheating is allowed. I want a monogamious man. NO EXCEPTION. If caught cheating, clothes will be on the front lawn, locks will be changed and papers served within the week by a sheriff. Also child support will be asked for in addition to alimony.

Not a big thing to me. My daughter and I are Catholic. If somewhat religious, keep it to yourself. If you want to attend church, you may. If you want to bring the children, that is also nice. I will not attend though. Unless one of our children has something going on, like communion or baptism. I do not enjoy Jehovah Witnesses, so please don't contact me if you are one. Or involved in some weird cult.

As long as you are not all all tattoed up and every place on our ears and face are pierced, it's fine to have some. If there are piercings on the face, they must be removed before seeing my mother.

He must have a reliable car. If he has car payments, they must be made on time each month. I will not pay for your debt. The car must not be crappy looking with rust and broken things inside. It doesn't have to be a Benz, but it can't be a Gremlin either.

He must be debt-free. If he has credit cards they must be payed on time as well. His credit score must not be under GOOD.

He must have some savings. We will NOT have joint accounts. We will have one account for the mortgage payments and the housing bills. I will help with the bills, but will not pay all of them myself. If he looses his job, he must look for another job the following day. He will not be unemployed for more than 2 weeks, especially if we have children. I as well will be held to this rule.

That is all I can think of right now..if you know any men fitting this description that are younger than 35, pass them to me!
