the Nana
December 21, 2005

Ok I'm kind of pissed off right now.

Let me say the holiday party was nice and I got a nice ornament to hang on the tree. Good food but I was the youngest there and it was ok.

So here is what I am mad about. I had told the baby's Nana I wanted to make her and my dentist appt for the same day because I like taking her so I am there with her and apart of her appointments so her Dr.'s know me. Well I called the dentist today to make an appointment and it seems her Nana went behind my back and made one for her on the 27th. Well when I asked the dentist if they had anything around the same time, she said no, so I will have to go in January. I hate how she goes behind my back and does this shit.

So I call her and she said yeah I did make her appointment because I wasn't sure you really wanted to take her. I said well I kind of made it the point that I wanted to go with her for her cleaning and mine as well. Why the fuck would I mention that if I didn't want to take her? jesus! I love what her Nana and Papa do for us, don't get me wrong, but it's like I'm the baby's older sister and they are the parents. Sometimes the baby acts like they are her parents and want to spend all MY time with them. I try to discourage it but sometimes I just bring her back and I go home and pick her up the next morning. Oh well. Life is shitty sometimes.

Also my nails look like shit and I can't get them re-done before xmas. So I guess I will remove the color and buy a new color and do them again.

I'm just a little hurt right now and my girl has left for the day till after the first of the year. I need to go to the bank after work and deposit some money.

2 more days of hell before the 3 day weekend!
