My views on Brokeback
January 30, 2006

So as I said i went and saw Brokeback Mountain sunday evening by myself because my one friend I have here is a faker and I am no longer going to ask her to do anything again because she always fakes.
Anyways getting back to the movie..I don't see what the big deal was. I don't get why so many people had suck issues with the movie. There was one scene, but all you saw was heath Ledger decide to be the dude in the relationship and Jake gyllenhal be the bitch. he pumps it a few times, nothing serious. You don't see anything. They kiss a few times, most of it is them meeting secretly and talking about their lives and when the nice time they can see eachother. It's more sad than a "soft porn" as many people may imagine. I've heard coworkers here call it "Bareback mountain" but nothing really is bad in it. It's 2 dudes, who are stuck up on this mountain with nothing other themselves or sheep to fuck and they pick eachother. heath is the male and jake is the female.
So if you aren't squirmish when two dudes kiss eachother and want to see a romantic flick and cry a little, I shed a few tears, then go and see it. If you're a chick do not bring your homo-phobe man with you. They will walk out. This guy must not of known becasue as soon as he saw the first and only "pump" scene he walked out cursing his girl.
plus Heath and Jake are hottie cowboys!

ok so why wouldn't you want to see these two hotties behind you? I'd let both them hit it, even though I hate anal!

I mean it's hottie Heath cowboy

and hottie Jake cowboy

I mean we could even play the game, let me just stick the tip in it for a second to see how it feels game....
