Ashley...most down to earth dude
January 31, 2006

Last night was fun. Would of been better if I wasn't the oldest one there and my camera hadn't died, other than Ashley Parker Angel. (Yeah I thought his name was Ashley Angel Parker, but i'm a big retard and it's Ashley Parker Angel.)
I got there and there were 2 girls standing there waiting for it to begin. They were only 18. I started getting nervous. The room could only fit 10 people and the cutie intern Brian, went and recruited 3 more people, who were not over 21 either.
So he gets there and immediately just is so nice. He shakes hands with everyone, looking right in your eyes.
So the two teeny boppers of course brought all their O-Town paraphanelia. It's like stalker life. Dude is trying to get past the whole O-Town thing...who wouldn't want to be rid of a boy band? But they kept pushing him to sign all their shit. And take pictures of him. He was cool with it.
And then his pretty self came up to me and we hit it off. We were just talking and I didn't bring up O-Town. We talked about his new baby boy and why he named him Lyric. And then the cutie intern took our picture and he signed a poster for me and one for the baby because when she was in the womb and up till she was like 2 she heard alot of O-Town. Then we talked about the "parent" club we belong to and how people don't get it. Then I apologized that I had to get home. Mostly it was because I was tired and also because I was too old to be there and these little teeny boppers that were there were making miss being young. When I left he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and we kept saying goodbye but like the goodbye when you don't want to say goodbye so you keep stalling kind of thing. But then the 2 teeny stalkers grabbed him and that was it.
I wanted to stick around and flirt with intern Brian but I just wanted to get out of there. I could of spent 2 1/2 hours chilling with hottie intern and Ashley but I chose to go home, throw on some sweat pants and watch the end of 24, which I didn't understand since I got home at like 9:45. Then I watched the news for a few minutes and passed out.
So as soon as I get the picture from Brian emailed, I will post it. I had a great time and wish that I was the only winner there becuase I think Ashley and I could of had a nice conversation and stuff but he was being pulled by the teeny boppers, but I think he wanted to just chill. His manager got him a drink once he saw the teeny boppers and all their shit he had to sign. I had to laugh. He was just down to earth.
But that was my night. It made me realize that I am no longer a kid and I'm really a grown up and things just aren't as fun anymore. I can't stay up past 11pm anymore without the use of caffeine or Red Bull. I need sleep and if I don't get it I'm cranky. Not like the days where 4 hours a night was just fine and partying till all hours of the night.

Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow is February. Groundhogs day in 1981 I was adopted. Isn't that weird? And it always rains on groundhog day. Strange...
