Part 2
March 06, 2006

OK i'm back from that dumb meeting. Have no idea why I went, not like they want to listen to the young ideas!

Anyways so where was I? I think I was talking about I get back from time with the baby and S has Seth and Dennis over, the dennis that took him to AC for New years Eve...assmonkey. I use to like him but since New Years Eve and that issue, I have no liking for him. So Seth left and Dennis stayed and I worked on some Homework and then showered and S watched 2 for the money and I worked on the abby's 2002/2003 scrapbook. Yes I am late, but oh well. I then organized my scrap book stuff. S and I watched TV and he went to bed and I knocked out one school assignment. We talked a little and joked around and I told him if he wanted to see other people he needed to tell me and he kept saying he didn't. I am all for exploring what's out there and see if we are meant to be, I mean we did that November of 2004 and we got back together Christmas of the same year. I'm not looking for another relationship and if it doesn't work out with S and if I'm going to be stuck in this assistant job while the older people retire, then I'm gone from MD. That gives me a year or so to make my mind up. I want to finish my degree (March of 2008) before I move anywhere. I want to move to richmond and be with my friends. I hate the fact that I sit at home every weekend I don't have the baby while S chills with his boys. It bothers me. I honestly can say I have no friends here now. And that sucks.

Tomorrow is my surgery. I'm very nervous about it. I'm actually panicking. But S will be there and the baby gave me this little doggie. I was going to try to go and eat dinner with her tonight but now that meeting made me have almost 2 hours behind, so it looks like I'll be working late and then going home and working on homework. Tomorrow I will be no good and maybe Wed. I will be able to do something. Our office is closed Wed. so I won't be here.

Anyways have a good monday all! Hope all your weekendds were nice! Happy March!
