bruised and short
March 10, 2006

I'm at work finally. You should see the bruise on my face....very nice. I can hardly open my mouth all the way up. Not attractive.

The baby slept crappy last night. She has these old toys that are dusty and she wouldn't let me wash them so she was coughing until I opened her window. I'm taking all of them and putting them in the washer when we get home.

S and I had a nice romp session until the baby woke up and walked into the room. That was uncomfortable...but she didn't see anything. He jumped off me as soon as we heard her door open. He didn't get to finish cause I ended up sleeping with the baby the rest of the night. I'm sure he fixed himself. This morning the baby kissed him goodbye and made sure we left before he did. It was so cute that I started tearing up..not good.

And the law series was insane! Amelia Badelia sent a new lackey and she was making things WORSE. lordy lord, this girl was like a crack head, running around from station to station...she needed to stay in one spot. And also trying to explain shit to these 40 plus people, it was like they were mentally not there! It hurt so bad, I think that is why my mouth is so sore today trying to explain and re-explain shit to people all day.

The weather is wonderful..loving this spring time weather. The baby has swim tomorrow then we are going to play basketball or maybe catch the Wizards game. I hope to get my tax check today in the mail, then I could pay some bills. We will see.

But happy Friday! get drunk this weekend and tell me all about it monday..I must live through someone else...
